Lt. Dave Grossman’s Law Enforcement Mind Set
If you been in or around law enforcement or military you properly heard of Lt. Dave Grossman. Lt Grossman is a retired Lieutenant colonel with the United Stated Army. Lt. Grossman is an author that specialize in the psychology of killing. “It’s from a police training conference with Dave Grossman, one of the most prolific police trainers in the country. Grossman’s classes teach officers to be less hesitant to use lethal force, urge them to be willing to do it more quickly and teach them how to adopt the mentality of a warrior. Jeronimo Yanez, the Minnesota police who shot and killed Philando Castile in July, had attended one of Grossman’s classes called “The Bulletproof Warrior” (though that class was taught by Grossman’s business partner, Jim Glennon).” (Balko, 2014)
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Trump’s Plans to Make a Police State With President Trump action and comments during the election and now as president, some people fear of a racist police state. President Trump do not hold back on his feeling about Muslims in America. Now he is president he is working on plans stop Muslims for entering the United States. “Of all the offensive and inflammatory comments Donald Trump made on the campaign trail in the 17 months leading up to his election victory last Tuesday, few were more chilling than his proposal to instate a Muslim registry in the United States. Harkening back to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, the suggestion incited a torrent of outrage from Republicans and Democrats alike, Now, just one week after the New York real-estate mogul’s unexpected victory over Hillary Clinton, Trump’s transition team is already outlining plans to reinstate a controversial post-9/11 database for Muslims entering the U.S. as part of the president-elect’s so-called “extreme vetting” process.” (Tracy, 2016) Another reason some people feel President Trump is headed to a police state is his idea of bringing back the stop-and-frisk law. This law was used to frisk innocent black males. During the time when the law was on the books (2002 and 2015), the results showed that 88 percent of the stops results was no further action. “As the New York Time reported in August 2013, Stop and Frisk did not just harass masses of innocents, it violated their constitutional rights: Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin “concluded that the stops, which soared in number over the last decade as crime continued to decline, demonstrated aa widespread disregard for the Fourth Amendment, which protests against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government, as well as the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.” (Friedersdorf, 2016) In Trump’s World On July 28,2017 President Donald Trump delivered a speak to a group of New York police officers. Trump made some very controversial statements. With the public already outraged on law enforcement excessive force. One of his statement was “…and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon-you just see them thrown in, rough – I said, please don’t be too nice. Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody – don’t hit their head. I said, you can take the hand away, okay?” (Robinson, 2017) There was several police chiefs and administration they did not agree with this statement. In law enforcement, we treat everyone the same. “In Trump’s world when someone is arrested, officers should not hesitate to inflict some pain – and if that attitude makes encounters between police and the public more violent and dangerous, so be it. If more people – innocent or guilty – are injured or killed, so be it. If culture starts at the top. Trump’s promise to back officers who use unnecessary forces extremely dangerous. There is the kind of rhetoric and viewpoint that led to the behavior of Chicago police officers who were indicted in June for conspiracy for “backing up” Officer Jason Van Dyke by lying about the killing of Laquan McDonald.” (Robinson, 2017) 10 Signs Trump Wants a Police State Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly has made several speeches stating that we are in a war with enemies abroad and within.
During Kelly speech’s he had several quotes that where dystopian and unduly paranoid. Here are the ten quotes.
Is The United States Becoming A Police State?
“1. Wake up and don’t believe the press. The president’s political opponents and the press are lying to the public, Kelly said, citing the crackdown on immigrants, which included the recent deportation of mother of four who was her family’s sole breadwinner and 23-year-old Californian who came to the U.S. when he was nine.
2. Federal police are only following orders. Kelly dismissed criticism for Immigration and Customs Enforcement tactics like arrest at state courthouses, which the conservative Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court said was akin to “stalking” immigrants.
3. The police aren’t getting the credit they deserve. Kelly gave a long list of duties that law enforcement carries out daily-such as Coast Guard rescues at sea, apprehending human traffickers and freeing victims-and said few people realize the work that’s being
done. 4. America is under relentless attack. Kelly said the country is awash in crime. “We are under attack from criminals who think their greed justifies raping young girls at knifepoint, dealing poison to our youth, or killing just for fun. 5. Record overdoses-yet going after pot. Kelly said deaths from drug overdoses -52,404 in 2015-was a record, “more deaths than the peak of the AIDS epidemic in 1995… almost as many as was lost in 12 years in Vietnam.” 6. Racial profiling, online spying continues. Kelly said the FBI was investigating terrorism in every state, whether caused by Islamic extremists abroad or domestically. 7. Expanding bans on air travel from Mideast. Kelly said the government was expanding its restrictions on air travelers from Muslim-majority countries beyond laptops. 8. working with corporations to spy on everything. The nation’s police and intelligence agencies have long been able to access virtually all electronic devices used, demanding Silicon Valley build ways to trace communications in computer hardware. 9. Critics should put up or shut up. Kelly returned to his opening theme that his federal police aren’t getting the respect and acknowledgements they deserve from the public, press and many politicians. 10. There’s nothing to apologize for. To Kelly, the federal police under him have nothing to apologize for. He defended their tactics as necessary and legal and aside he would keep enforcing the law until it changed, using every means available to him.” (Rosenfeld, 2017) In this paper, I discussed several view points on the reason why or why not the United States is becoming a police state. The libertarian and left-wing group fear a police state because of all the new changes the government is make to protect Americans. The liberals feel that the use of drones and counter surveillance is away the government is spying on us. They also feel that law-enforcement is becoming more like the military. Liberals feel the use of military type vehicles, such as a bearcat vehicle and high power weapons is a sign that the government is making this a police state. And then there’s the others, like me that understand what the government is doing. 9/11 has changed how we do business and law-enforcement. We must have the right tools for the right job. As I stated earlier in may paper, we will always be out gunned and out man. I know it looks bad when we see military type vehicles with men and women dressed in armor type equipment. Please help me understand how should the police respond to a known armed drug dealer houses. Should we pull up to the house in a police car with our bull proof vest and handgun. NO! unless you want law enforcement to be killed, we must have the right equipment for the right job. We must use Technology to prevent another major terrorist attack. We still need to govern how all this technology is being used. The United States is not hey please state. We are far from it. There always be someone who wants all the power. That’s why we have in place checks and balances.
The job of a law enforcement officer sometimes can be tough. Officer are sometimes plagued with situation that test their ability to enforce the law and maintain order. Police officers today face a constant battle to maintain higher ethical standards. This mission becomes tougher each day when one considers the importance of fighting terrorism, drugs, human trafficking,
The novel begins with the author’s own experiences as a law enforcement officer and his ideals on the use of deadly force. He explains that “at some deep subconscious level humans are both drawn to and repulsed by violence of any sort” (Klinger, 2004, page 8) and goes on to elaborate why the killing of a human being by an officer is acceptable in the eyes of society today. Even though this truth may seem harsh to some, the overall effects that occur when an officer fires his gun is even harsher when the light of reality is shed upon these gruesome incidences. As the novel continues, Klinger begins to share more information about the career that these few men and women choose to go into. The author describes how many of his interviewees were asked when applying to law enforcement agencies how they would feel about having to shoot someone. Most answered they would not feel any sort of hesitation, yet some men and women in their interviews with the author revealed that they never thought about themselves in that situation and were somewhat taken back by the question. Moreover, Klinger explains that shootings are uncommon incidences in the police...
Nobody lives forever, Pilate. Don 't? Of course not. Nobody? Of course, nobody. I don 't see why not. Death is as natural as life. Isn’t nothing natural about death? It 's the most unnatural thing they is. You think people should live forever? Some people. Yeah. Who 's to decide? Which ones should live and which ones shouldn’t? The people themselves. Some folks want to live forever. Some don 't. I believe they decide on it anyway. People die when they want to and if they want to. Don 't nobody have to die if they don 't want to? In the Story Song of Solomon a lot of betrayal, racism, love and death is going on. Milkman Dead is the protagonist of the novel. He is a young man who is raised in the privileged of an African American upper-class family as the only son.
Today police officers are trained to kill. Steven Rosenfeld, a journalist in civil liberties for Alternet said, “The militarization of local police has been growing...They face few consequences for making mistakes, such as maiming or killing people” (Rosenfeld). This shows that the local police officers are trained with military tactics and receive no penalty for their wrong actions. Not only is there an increase in police brutality, it seems as if they are targeting specific nationalities. Tony Brown, a writer for Raw Story agrees by saying “young black males in recent years were at far greater risk of being shot dead by police than their white counterparts”(Brown). Brown is blantly saying that the police seem to target one group to discriminate against. According to Brown it is 21 times greater chance for a black male to be killed over other
By teaching police officers alternatives to shooting to kill, they experience higher risks with their lives. Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, said, “It would be "very difficult" to train officers to shoot to wound” (Jacobo, 2016). Police officers are viewed as “predators” and “an occupying army” rather than allies (Valey, 2016). This is a perception that needs to change because it counteracts the mission of police officers
The negative views of everyday people often make work hard for officers, adding more stress to their careers. The general public regularly criticizes officers for using excessive force and brutality, especially when a police officer ends up killing a suspect or criminal. Oftentimes, especially when a white police officer shoots a citizen of a minority race, the general public is quick to find faults in the officer, blaming the officer for being racist. However, cold, hard statistics show that the majority of police officers are, in fact, white, and the neighborhoods in which these officers are placed in tend to be high-crime areas with many minority citizens living there (Miller “When Cops Kill”). In addition, people might say that a citizen who was shot was not armed; however, almost anything close to the shot individual could have been turned into a deadly weapon that he or she could have used to wound or kill the officer involved. Whenever officers are in this position, the natural reaction is to defend themselves. Everyday, police officers confront the most aggressive, immoral, and sick-minded individuals of society. Officers jeopardize their own lives every time they report for work. Officers witness things that no person should ever have to encounter. They see the most horrific and gruesome scenes that the general public turns away from and
Recently in the United States there has been in increase in deaths that have come from police officers using deadly force. The use of force is inevitable as a police officer, many times their own lives or the life’s civilians are at risk when it comes to determine what type of force a officer should use. There are many incidents where police officer have to react in a matter of seconds and has to choose between his own life or that of the individual causing the disturbance. When a Police Officer uses deadly force has caused outraged with the public, stirring up protests and creating a scandal for the police officer and the Police Department. Many do not know when it is right for an officer to use deadly force and what constitutes it, or what happens when the officer does not use the appropriate amount of force that is required to control the situation. There has been many changes in Police Departments around the country to try to reduce the use of deadly force in response to the issues that have occurred because of it.
A critical aspect of the training regime should touch on the lawful use of different types of forces, and the circumstances that guarantee the graduation of non-lethal force to lethal intervention (Barak et al. 204). Consequently, the training regime should equip police officers with the ability to resist the discriminatory use of force. In the United States, there is a clear evidence of the existence of discriminatory use of force. Black communities and Hispanics suffer the majority of brutal police actions. Largely, the problem stems from the lack of proper training for police officers to understand the psychological and physical dangers of subjecting the public to lethal force during the process of law enforcement (Barak et al. 211). Since police officers are employed as the agents of the state, it is important to inform them of their obligations under the global human rights laws regarding the use of lethal force. This can only happen during initial training and subsequent capacity building
Police officers are trained by specific rules in the academy how to handle dangerous situations and how to prevent victims. Police officers in dangerous and extreme situations have to make split-second decisions about what to do next: fire their weapon or not. In recent years, many unarmed people were killed by police officers which made US nation to raise questions about whether the police make right decisions or whether the police have too much power. Since people don’t know by what rules police officers are trained to handle certain issues, we wonder why did the police officer killed an unarmed person and why the police officer didn’t do something else to prevent a dangerous situation or a person. Cedric Alexander, veteran police chief, in the interview for CNN said that if someone is causing a danger, police officer has to shoot him in the area where the most important organs are and stop this person (Visser, 2016). Most of the time this dangerous person dies immediately. Alexander also said that a police officer has to shoot at the person’s chest because this is how most likely to take a person down and stop him (Visser, 2016). Therefore, if the police officer will shoot at the dangerous person’s shoulder for example, this person still can shoot at the police officer or people who are the closest to the dangerous person.
There has always been a love-hate relationship between the public and the police. When called upon to help, they can be something sent from God, but when they are writing tickets, or taking a friend to jail, the view changes from a savior to a presence that is unwanted and often hated. An effort to improve the public view of law enforcement is being attempted by many departments. Using different styles of policing techniques, mainly community based policing, has proved to be the best way to improve the image of law enforcement.
When political anarchy, social injustices, and crime end up leading to civil depravities that go against the foundation of democracy, society depends on the police to come in and keep the peace, while attempting to restore the order. These officers are asked to pursue criminals in vehicles, and on foot, repeatedly expose themselves to the dangers of the crimes, and remain calm while being under pressure at all moments on the job, and even off duty. Being an officer of the law takes a special person
A police officer’s duty is to maintain public order, preventing, and detecting crime. The concept of police officers, also known as cops, and law enforcement has been around ever since the ancient Romans had a theory that an organization of “peacekeepers” would reduce the crime and violence being committed. This theory stuck with society and is still around today. People of law enforcement have a mission when they step into their police car, that mission is to enforce the rules of conduct or law. Of course, accomplishing this mission can be dangerous. Often when a cop leaves his or her house to go to work worries start to set it, such as “will I be coming back home when my day is over” or “will a simple traffic stop go sour and someone ends up dead?” These thoughts are apart of the stress that comes with the job and most people are trained to deal with this stress.
There are many duties that come along with being a police officer. It’s not just about wearing the uniform, driving the nice car, and arresting people. Police officers need to set good examples to the people around them. They also have to talk and give information to any pedestrians that may need help. They heck for any law violations, respond to radio calls, watch for anything suspicious going on, and they also need to investigate any dangerous conditions that could harm anyone.
All roles within local, state, and federal agencies provide what we have made of law enforcement today. The levels within the department are effective in the support of their own and effective uses of personnel. Departments are further finding ways to operate more effectively and make the funding of their departments go further. The different roles and training that go into the officers and the multiple forms of patrolling is a time honored tradition that has adapted over time and offered a safer approach to apprehending today’s criminal.
When you think of police what does it mean to you? The responsibility of a police officer is to protect the public and to serve the community. Also, they detect and to prevent crime, police officers strive to maintain the law. New police officers work with the general duty as patrol divisions, that provides a range of experiences and assignments. The General duty of policing involves patrolling in assigned areas to enforce laws, protect public safety, and arrest criminal suspects either by car, foot, bicycle, or in some cases, horse. Police officers can also do some of the following: they Investigate accidents and crime scenes; to secure evidence and interview any witnesses; they collect notes and reports; they can provide emergency assistance to victims an disaster, crime, and accidents;