Dangers of Beauty Pageants According to Hollandsworth and Kibourne

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Hollandsworth and Kilbourne both address gender issues, though each focuses on a different aspect of that problem. Hollandsworth and Kilbourne both talk about the exploitation of females in their articles, one being about the exploitation of little girls and pageants and the other about the exploitation of women in advertising. The articles find common ground talking about the exploitation of females in multiple situations.

I believe that Hollandsworth is trying to show not the dark side per se, but the other side than all of the dangers of pageants. But I do believe that Hollandsworth is against beauty pageants. Hollandsworth talks about how wrong it is to teach your children that their successes in life will be based upon their appearances. These girls that are involved in pageants have nothing else in their lives, they eat, sleep, and breathe pageants. At the age of 5, a child really should not be doing something that encompasses their whole life basically 24/7. The parents throw thousands and thousands of dollars into one pageant, are judged by who has the prettiest dress on, and if they don't win they are heartbroken. I personally believe it is a horrible move on the parents’ part because they try to win and gain popularity through their child. I believe a lot of the reason why parents enter their children into these pageants, is because they feel like they missed out on a part of their own life, so they need to live through their child. This article also talks about the crimes that go on during child beauty pageants, because if you think about it, who's going to watch a show with little five year olds walking around in a skin bearing outfit? Pedophiles will. And that seems to be the problem coming up recently with ch...

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...s article, “Two Ways A Woman Can Get Hurt”: Advertising and Violence”, Kilbourne talks about advertising and media, but not really advertising and body image. She looks at a lot of real world instances with body image in the media.

Although Kilbourne's piece covers X, Y, Z, this part drew my attention
It explores the way advertising exploits women and shows how that exploitation can be violent.
She mentioned repeatedly that both men and women are strongly encouraged to act a certain way or do certain things. Women are encouraged to solicit themselves or yield to a man’s needs when they buy a product. Men are encouraged to objectify women and be aggressive and possessive toward women when they buy a product according to advertisements. She also emphasizes the subliminal messages the certain advertisements provide. She is correct in that they are indeed present.

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