Daisy's Love In The Great Gatsby

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In the The Great Gatsby, F Scott. Fitzgerald uses Gatsby to show how strong love is by how he gets a house across from her so he could be close to her, tries to ruin her relationship with her husband and by taking the blame for Myrtle's death. But as readers we know Gatsby is passed loving her and now it’s become an obsession just like everything else in his life. We are first introduced to Gatsby in a conversation with Jordan soon after she finds out that Nick lives in West Egg. He is known as Nick’s wealthy neighbor until Nick finds out who he really is. When Jordan tells Nick about Gatsby's “love” for Daisy, he already had the idea in mind. “But it wasn't a coincidence at all…. Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be across the …show more content…

He goes on to say, “No, we couldn't meet. But both of us loved each other all that time, old sport, and you didn't know. I used to laugh sometimes…. To think that you didn't know”(131). Daisy continues to say that this is false and that she recently starting to love him but her feelings haven't been like this for a long time. The way Gatsby talks about Daisy in the earlier chapters, us as readers would be surprised that what Gatsby's saying isn't all true. Fitzgerald uses this as a reality check for Gatsby. He let himself believe that Daisy's feelings were as strong as his. At this time Gatsby had already worked to become rich to buy Daisy everything that she wants and needs but we now know that Daisy hadn't realized that. When Nick goes over to Gatsby's house and sees that he had fired all his servants, He asked Gatsby why and he says “ I wanted someone who wouldn't gossip. Daisy comes over quite often -- in the afternoon”(114). At that point, Nick realizes that Gatsby is in over his head about his feelings for Daisy but doesn't say anything. Even the new “servants” he hired couldn't explain the situation to Nick when he first asked about

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