Balancing Customer Service and Resource Utilization at Cyclone Furniture

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A) Describe the balance between customer service and resource utilization at cyclone. What are the operating objectives of the business? What are the key success factors?

The cyclone furniture organization is being well started company .it is snobbish furniture retail show room situated in a huge city in New Zealand.
The advantages of this company: Their production plant lay out is situated near by the retail show room, It’s reduces the transportation cost also.
This business is fully based on customer service oriented.
Cyclone furniture occupied that is 75% of total production in their industry is exported to new Zealand neighboring countries like Australia of which portion its good quality professional office furniture. This statement …show more content…

• Deliver the goods on time (good time management).
• Customer satisfaction.
• Near monopoly of business retail show room.
• Good standard of workmanship.
• The main key factor is worker satisfaction.
• Near Vicinity to production units.
• Retail outlet in perfection place.

B) Describe the operating structure of cyclone furniture. Draw a structure diagram and discuss improvements that can be made.
Present operating structure of cyclone furniture: Domestic Furniture O V Export Furniture O Finishing O Upholstery O V C Office Furniture O

V Stores of resources (inventory). O operation or function. C Customer/buyers. The operating structure of cyclone furniture business is classified into 3 sections they are follows:
Domestic/National furniture (for retail shop)
Export …show more content…

Select where actual problem is accrued. That problem divided in to small task and start investigation for solution, this helps to elegance of mineral water. This is a best alternative method to select the problem. It is crucial part in this method of study.
• RECORD: Usually in summer this company has great demands for mineral water. They recorded all the transactions in the computer. It’s creates more demand for the water bottles and attract more customers towards it. The problem is company has not much concentration on purification of water only on demand, it’s should be recorded.
The company scrutinized in the above process that the cause for the purification of water process was delay to the following methods.
Only water filtered in three stages, rest of the stages no filtration/ purification Filter cover purifies ground water that water transfer to big water tanks it filter again and sent to mineral chambers then move to small pipes.
The company spent more money for laboratory and research for getting feedback about quality of mineral water.
The team mangers need to discuss about this with board of

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