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Essay digital bullying
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To the editor: Re “Social media allow cyberbullies to remain connected to children” (Op-Ed, Feb 21) I fully agree with the author’s arguments of depression comes from cyberbullies, and want to focus on the question of depression. Besides being just online and intangible, cyberbullies rise from the real world, as the Internet is the duplicate of reality. It’s easy to be depressed these days. I’ve known five kids who are suffering depression in which two of them were caused by cyberbullies. The article gave several reasons for cyberbullying: masquerading, lacking of empathy and no policing. I'd like to add that, for those who post negative information online, either they have unpleasant things or they are not satisfied with their daily life.
With the use of the internet increasing, researchers are finding a higher amount of cyberbullying. According to Hinduja and Patchin, “There is no shortage of potential offenders or victims of cyberbullying because of the widespread availability of computers and the Internet in the developed world,” (Hinduja and Patchin, 132). Both the writers make a good point stating this fact. With the amount of technology that is available to students, on different devises, has allowed them to freely communicate. While this is not all bad, there are major downfalls, cyber bullying being a big one.
In the recent years, technology has changed the world. We have discovered new diseases and viruses, and found cures and remedies for them. We have made technology to go into and research outer space and its resources. We have even made devices that can fit in a normal persons pocket and can text, call, post, tweet, or message anyone from anywhere! But this recent boom in technology has created a new battlefront for bullies. Now, Bullies can post or comment hateful words or embarrassing photos on social media. The effects are much worse than most forms of bullying , because the amount of people who can see it is so much more online than in person. Now, bullies can argue against prosecution by saying that they have the right of the first amendment. Cyberbullies should be punished for cyberbullying because it
Cyberbullying is a very controversial matter. People are starting to say that cyberbullies should be prosecuted for their actions. First of all, there are more important crimes to focus on like murder and theft than just prosecuting a kid who said something “offensive” to another kid. Also, the First Amendment protects cyberbullies to have freedom of speech and say stuff to other kids. To add on, just because someone “excludes” another kid form not joining a group, does not mean that they should be criminally prosecuted. If people are being cyberbullied, they should not use social media much.
Theories, effects, and intervention (2018), the author, Alexis Tan, explains the correlation that more children and teenagers using social media is linked to an increase in bullying directed at vulnerable out-groups due to their differences to the in-group. More specifically, messages used to bully in cyberbullying are expressions of prejudice which are based on negative stereotypes of the out-group (Tan, 2018. p. 201). The Chapter goes on to explain that cyberbullying has harmful consequences which are linked to mental and emotional distress (Tan, 2018. p. 201). Even leading to suicide in some cases where bullying has a severe effect on individuals.
As its definition suggests--“any behaviour performed through electronic or digital media by individuals or groups that repeatedly communicates hostile or aggressive messages intended to inflict harm or discomfort on others”. (King)--the suffering of victims can be immense. Numerous findings have proved the clear existence of the correlation between the victims of Cyberbullying and the increased levels of anxiety, emotional distress, depression, substance use and suicidal behaviour; as well as decreased levels of concentration, attendance, grades and self-esteem. (King) Despite the government’s involvement-- as of 2014, the new anti-cyber intimidation law allowed up to five years in prison for online distribution of photos without consent--people (especially minors) tend to blame themselves and retaliate via negative methods rather than positive to resolve the issue. Victims often commit self harm and put themselves into isolation.
The brochure I found to be most effective in conveying its message was called "Cyberbullying Among Adolescents," by Giselle Mota. This brochure is made to spread awareness towards cyberbullying, specifically among teens, by directing its focus towards why people cyber bully, how the issue can be prevented, what one should do if he/ she were to be a victim of cyberbullying, and how teens can stay safe while using the Internet. The cover of the brochure includes the title, "Cyberbullying Among Adolescents," and a picture of what appears to be a student who is currently a victim of cyber bullying as she seems to be depressed, embarrassed, and lacking help to address/solve the issue. From the cover page, readers can already assume that cyberbullying consequently compromises the
All around the United States, the prevalence of cyberbullying ranges from 10-40% of people who get bullied through electronics. Furthermore, this is a problem caused by kids, teens, and adults who target one another online by repeating harmful threats and harassments. This conflict negatively impacts the victims’ life which is why anyone who cyberbullies should pay the consequences and be prosecuted.
With the increase of digital platforms, the interaction through social media between people are becoming faster and more effective than before, this means that communication by (Internet) is visible in real time, which content is created by the users themselves with computer technologies that facilitate the publication, editing and exchange of information, data, images, audio, video and even transactions. In general terms, the contents of social media can create two types of impacts positive or negative. The positive impact is when social networks are used as a communication tool. Communities are created to share content, to relate users to each other for friendly purposes and also for commercial purposes. Within the negative impact is a new
Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that takes place with the use of any electronic technology. Cyberbullying is a major problem affecting young people today. There are different types of cyberbullying. This topic comes as an interest to many people these days because bullying is very common and it can ruin a person’s life. These days, cyberbullying is considered a new form of bullying. It can happen over the internet by computer, mobile phone or any other electronic devices. Cyberbullying could involve any form of unpleasant words or pictures being displayed on the internet for others to see. It could also involve the spreading of lies about the victim on the internet. Many people are stepping up efforts to prevent bullying in the first place. Approximately half of U.S. students are impacted by traditional bullying each school day (Ross). Bullying peaks in middle school, then reduces in high school. Other types of bullying may involve the passing of notes behind someone’s back, rumors being whispered about someone, or being threatened in the internet. The most common types of cyberbullying include passing of humiliating photos, cell phone pranks, cyber stalking, impersonation, online slam books, and text wars. Bullies appear scary but truthfully they are the unhappy ones. Majority of bullies have been bullied by parents, siblings, or other young people. This may trigger them to bully and pick on other kids.
Discover new people, play games, advertise, keep up with family, and share pictures and videos—oh, the things you can do on social media! This use of cyberspace lets users from all over the world interact with each other in a free and fun environment, but in this unrestricted environment also lurks a menacing threat. Because of its widespread use, veil of anonymity, real life imitation, and various formats of communication, social media not only allows but also encourages people to insult, bully, and threaten others—an activity often referred to as cyberbullying—without fearing punishment.
Cyberbullying is one of the main causes of suicide and teens dropping out of school. Cyberbullying is a life threatening or even a harmful thing
Depression in teenagers is a major issue in the world around us. According to the article "Cyberbullying," "Targets of cyber bullying can experience emotional distress, including frustration, embarrassment, sadness, fear, and depression.” A lot of bullies, when caught in the act of cyber bullying, will claim that they were "just joking," or that the victim would "understand." Although it can sometimes seem that way through the bully's perspective, the victim may feel hurt or offended. After a while, that psychological pain might turn into depression. It is extremely disappointing to know that depression in children can lead to death, as cyber bullying has been directly associated with teen suicide in the past (“Cyberbullying”). As cyber bullying continues to reoccur all over the globe, the lives of innocent people continue to be at risk. “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem,” a man at a local church once said. If the world can work together to prevent cyber bullying from being that “temporary problem” in the first place, then suicide rates will drop and the real “permanent solution” will finally be unearthed. It is nearly unbelievable that people can hurt someone else’s feelings so badly and think of it as a joke.
My theme statement from step one is that I have been called ugly and fat online by one of my classmates. I feel like we should stand up for what we believe in not to stay quiet. This is important because we should give hopes to those victims and the ability to be who they are and owning up for their mistakes without fear of being tormented.
In the last few years, traditional bullying and cyber bullying have become two communal problems of our society owing to the major advances in technology and communicative devices. In spite of the fact that they can not be eradicated completely, the lack of action and initiatives will exacerbate the situation even more. Therefore, recent researches have passionately suggested that education, which is considered of crucial importance, and constructive cooperation between social factors, as for instance family, school personnel and professional organizations, can effectively contribute to the prevention of this complicated issue.
Cyberbullying has become a serious dilemma because of the harm and pain it can leave. It affects so many teens and can potentially change their future. Cyberbullying can change a person’s mood, character, and even destroy someone’s motivation. This is an important issue that will hopefully be stopped in the near future.