Cyber Crime And The Future Essay

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Cyber Crime and the Future of the World
The cyber realm has made a huge impact on how the world is run today. Every day new technology come out and improves the way people live there life. With the cyber community constantly growing and improving, millions if not billions of people are able to access the web, and have the ability to create what they want and share it amongst others. With this though also comes the negative aspect of using the internet and that is because of the growing activity of cybercrime. Cybercrime consist of stealing, or destroying or using any information that is gathered illegally from public and private sectors and being able to use that information maliciously, in order to cause havoc and destroy people’s lives. Information that can cause uproars and can diminish national security has been easier to access to professional hackers. An example is the Edward Snowden case, even though he was not a hacker he got his hands on some classified information about the United States and there spying on different allied countries and own united states citizens, he decided to leak it out over the internet, and everything went viral. In a matter of seconds the nation can crumble if someone got their hands on some information they were not supposed to.
With so many dangers that confront the United States, it is impossible to know all type of attacks that can happen in the cyber world. There can be combinations of not only known but also unknown vulnerabilities and attacks that makes it hard for the United States to protect its self and there classified information. “We face nation states, terrorist networks, organized criminal groups, individuals, and other cyber actors with varying combinations of a...

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...ive today, individuals all over the world spend as much time connecting with others and using the internet throughout the day more than they do without using a computer. Knowing this information cyber criminals have taken much advantage of this internet epidemic by violating and exploiting their way into peoples personal information from abroad and also in the United States. Cyber Crime is not going to go away anytime soon, and it has not shown any let down since cybercrimes has surfaced. Everyday cyber criminals gets more and more sophisticated, but by the government studying past history in dealing with cybercrime, they can learn from that and use that information to prevent crime that are set in the future. It will be like a compstat to the NYPD. New laws will be created in preventing cyber criminals but only time will tell if that will do any good.

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