Culture And Globalization: A Homogenized Culture?

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You stroll into your local Starbuck's as the aroma of coffee hits you; approaching the counter, you wait patiently in line. Who knew that in that same instant, hundreds of thousands of people, from all over the world could be in the same procession as you are, getting those delicious, near-identical cups? The coffee chain has grown from a single store in Seattle to nearly 20,000 shops, in over 60 countries, all in less than half a decade; your morning cup of coffee is the same no matter where you are sipping it in. But it’s not only Starbucks, brands like McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Burger King—you name it, can be found in most countries around the world. Modern humans are entangled in thousands of different cultures. Is this really the loss of diversity and the westernization of societies, will it turn us all into a huge, homogenized culture? Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. Globalization results in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move more easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more similar. The word ‘globalization’ is really, just a new term for an old definition. It has been in history since the start of the ancient empires. The spread of the Ancient Greek culture, the Silk Road, the Industrial Revolution are all examples of how people came in contact with one another. But presently, it’s the traveling, the expansion of free trade, as well as communication and interconnected-ness brought by the Internet that speeds up the globalization dramatically. Technology is already deeply-rooted in our lives. Information and news from every country can be easily found, people from thousand... ... middle of paper ... ...up their own. Traditional clothing/foods isn’t what creates a culture, it’s part of it, but an individual who identifies with a heritage doesn’t lose it only by changing his preferences. Present-day cultures have evolved countless times in history, and yet, there are still people who kept their traditional values and passed them on There is certainly more good coming out from globalization than most people thinks. The fast-approaching, non-stopping phenomenon of the cultural homogenization is probably a good thing, even if it means to lose our cultural diversity: it brings about a better sense of understanding and acceptance of other cultures, widening our horizons to something different, it could probably be the solution in this chaotic sea of heterogeneous people. And really, what’s better than finding your favorite food around the corner, no matter where you are?

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