Cultural Issues In Health And Social Care

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Social Organization:
Cultural background helps to understand the illness of many people and cultural beliefs could also influence a person’s behavior succeeding an illness. Some cultural groups have certain conditions more prevalent in them (Crouch & Meurier 2011). Ms. S.M is a healthy 48-year-old female, living with her 3 children and her husband of 20 years, her parents diseased due to illness. Social activities for of Ms. S.M include hanging out with her friends and she also likes to travel different places. She has a full time job and after her work and taking care of her kids in her free time she likes to watch movies and television shows both American and her native language. She functions in her home as being a mother and advisor, her …show more content…

The present oriented people do not necessarily need to adhere to time-structured schedule. For them, whatever happening currently is more important than what’s going to happen. The Filipino Americans do not get violent if the functions do not start on time, they operate on Filipino time. Because of their time orientation, there is a tendency for noncompliance toward medical treatment and not keeping up with their scheduled appointments (Giger, 2013). Ms. S.M mentioned that she is a present oriented person, for scheduled appointments she tries to be on time, even though it can happen that she will be late for a minute or so. She understands the importance of taking medications on time and keeping up with scheduled treatments on time. She tries to get sleep for at least eight hours, but because of her inconsistent work pattern sometimes she won’t get enough sleep. Then asked her about if the nurse tells you that she will bring the medicine in half an hour realistically, how much time you will allow before calling the nurse? She answered she might wait for 10 minutes and if she really needs the medicine, then she will call the …show more content…

Ms. S.M belongs to catholic religion. She attends mass and services so that they can integrate the virtues into their daily lives. As far as for Filipino Catholics, the religious faith contains a wealth of formal and informal preferences for seeking God’s help, guidance, and miracles the activities usually include everything private prayers and public processions. Filipino Catholics also abide by the cultural values that influence the ways in which they identify and mingle with society. One of the cultural ways of Filipinos saying is leave it to God and it is in His

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