The word multiculturalism in Canada often stands for the nations diversity. The multiculturalism policy legislated in 1971 officially recognized and celebrated this diversity however it was not until 1988 that it became an actual law (Shields, 2015). Canada’s multiculturalism policy has served the nation well in providing a platform upon which to build a country that reflects not only the diversity within, but also the growing transnational nature of global society. Multiculturalism allows everyone to hold onto their own identities and gives them a sense of belonging (Week 8, Management of Cultural Diversity Canada). Unfortunately, despite these policies immigrants today are having trouble integrating not only socially but also economically and politically. Many people state that the multiculturalism policy helps with integration of immigrants, however looking from a social viewpoint immigrants often move to gateway cities such as Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver. Very few immigrants move into rural towns, which causes more cultural diversity in these metropolitan areas. There are also growing differences between minority groups. Since multiculturalism focuses on the preservation of …show more content…
“Currently the cohort of immigrants is not keeping up with native-born individuals” (Kymlicka, 2008). There are problems in the work force when for example the potential employer feels the applicant is not speaking “proper” English or does not have any Canadian work experience on his or her resume. Unfortunately, this leaves people who are overqualified working in low wage jobs. Politically speaking, multiculturalism has functioned as not merely a response to diversity but also a means of constraining it (Kymlicka, 2010). All people should be treated the same and institutions as well as governments should encourage pluralism through public policies. Does multiculturalism promote cohesion within society? What are the pros and
The mention of the abolition of multiculturalism for a “new” post-multiculturalist approach becomes difficult to understand. It claims, “to avoid the ‘excesses’ of multiculturalism” (47), however where does this notable governmental and social switch take place? How is the term coined, and how is it understood in theory versus in practice? How is it different from its predecessor? Even the classification of history struggles to define what is considered to be modern, let alone post-modern, and yet the term suggests a positive approach to alleviating difficult assimilation projects similar to those faced elsewhere (47). This notion may developed on the grounds of “someone else’s problems” ¬– in regards to its Canadian context – as a means to label, or justify, miscellaneous aspects of multiculturalism. However, with the government-wide commitment to policies and programs, in conjunction with social understanding, it naturally becomes subject to a wide array of differing opinions. As both immigration and citizenship policies change, its public reception often shifts as well. Especially since the channels referred to within the ‘multiculturalism...
35 Fleras, Augie, and Jean Leonard Elliott. Engaging Diversity: Multiculturalism in Canada. Toronto: Nelson, 2002: 164.
According to citizen and immigration Canada statistics, (Immigrating to Canada, 2009), each year, Canada welcomes more than 200,000 new immigrants. It creates a diverse of multiple nationalities. Most immigrants from Europe or their descendants have religious backgrounds which respect universal fraternity. Also the multiculturalism makes Canada a "melting pot" for every member in the "pot". People respect each other and live together peacefully. People with different backgrounds live together peacefully without discrimination.
The study mentioned some of the challenges that Malik talked about in her Journey to Canada like refugees struggling to join small communities, difficulty finding jobs and that everyone 's immigration experience is different as they are coming from different countries with unique cultures. The study classifies three tiers of immigration cities first, second, and third, with first having a population over one million people, second being 500,000 to a million people, and third being cities who have a population between 100,000 and 500,000 people. As the authors of the study stated the study 's goals are to look at these second and third tier immigration locations and the perception of immigrants Quality of
In conclusion, multiculturalism and immigration are vital factors in the evolution of Canada to be a strong multicultural example of economic stability, social, and political growth. They have lead to the emergence of Canada as a nation. The Government of Canada pioneered the Multiculturalism and Immigrant policy which help immigrants to keep their cultures and religions, while, learning new opportunities such as a better education system and training programs for children, teenagers, and adults, better translations and interpretations for immigrants who are seeking work, and strive to live in a harmonious and peaceful country.
The integration of immigrants in Canada (or any country for that matter) involves integration into three different domains: the social sphere, the economic sphere, and the institutional sphere. (12) Integration into the social sphere refers to immigrants’ ability to create relationships and have social interactions with other Canadians. Integration into the economic sphere refers to immigrants’ ability to enter the labour force and work in jobs that match their qualifications, while integration into the institutional domain refers to immigrants’ ability to become “fully functional citizens, without facing systemic barriers emanating from the structure and functioning of major institutions. A well-integrated immigrant group is one which faces no institutional obstacles, no market disadvantage, and no social isolation.” (12)
Meanwhile, multiculturalism in the United States has been part of their history, considering the fact that almost all its populations, including its founders are immigrants coming from different cultural backgrounds (Citrin, 2001). Due to globalization, there is no reason why other immigrants and new ethnic groups could have difficulty assimilating themselves into American life.
In 2011, more than 200 ethnic origins were reported in the National Household Survey, and 13 of those different ethnic origins had surpasses the one million mark in Canada, thus showing much diversity, and with diversity comes benefits. A variety of ethnic restaurants, grocery stores and clothing stores add more “life” and brightness to communities and areas, which attracts more residents and tourists. Thus, benefiting society by attracting new residents and tourists, which also adds to the stability and strength of the community. Moreover, as Canadian schools develop a cross cultural learning, citizens learn about diversity and the world, which benefits overall understanding and their education. Another benefit of multiculturalism, is that as more immigrants settle, communities benefit from cultural celebrations and more diverse cultural music, arts and food, thus benefiting society socially. Continuing onward, as diverse people migrate to Canada, they bring along a desire for goods from their homes and original location markets and such, thus benefiting society by contributing to a 0.2 per-cent rise in the value imports, along with a more interesting and varied market overall. Accordingly, a diverse population makes a community more and colourful and full of “life”, evidently benefiting
Multiculturalism policy ensures people from different ethnic, racial, religious, and linguistic backgrounds coexist together. Ng, Eddy and Isabel affirmed that the strategic tolerance fostered through the policy enhance the development of a national identity centered around multiculturalism with much ado about citizenship and naturalization process (254). In the long-term, the policy reduces hostilities between the natives and immigrants. Durante Chris explained that, “As both a political philosophy and public policy, multiculturalism has become one of the leading approaches for coping with problems that arise when attempting to accommodate the needs of ethnic, cultural, and religious communities in a liberal democracy,” (323). In the long-term, the policy reduces hostilities between the natives and immigrants, thereby creating a society where cultural identity and ethnic diversity enjoys mutual respect and tolerance – suitable ingredients for social cohesion. Peace and harmony within a society prevails if each group feel respected and allowed to associate with their identity without prejudice. However, issues have risen in Canada where the natives feel immigrants are overburdening their them and introducing new cultures. If such situation is the case, multiculturalism could impact negatively on social
multiculturalism hype is not all it is cut out to be and segregates communities rather
Many modern societies promote cultural diversity through affirmative action, also known as positive discrimination. This forces educational institutions and businesses to favor minority groups in an attempt to increase their enrollment in schools and in the work force. In Canada, cultural diversity should not be forced through employment equity, or through educational equity because it discriminates against the majority, is suboptimal for businesses, and creates an unfair advantage to students who are members of minority groups. Outlawing affirmative action in Canada would promote equality, and help to eliminate discrimination from society. Cultural diversity is often viewed as a positive aspect of society.
Civic nationalism is the ability to express one’s culture, language and heritage without prejudice. Instead, nurturing the values of respect for diversity this is seen in the second article, in which Trudeau puts forth the ideology that “diversity fuels prosperity not undermines it.” In the upcoming years Canada will be made up of mostly immigrants in order to sustain the population. Canada has a welcoming policy in order to increase its population growth, due to its low fertility rate and aging population, Canada is compelled to increase the immigration rates and take pride in its multicultural nation. This ideology of civic nationalism over ethnic nationalism is an illusion that distorts the reality and it is seen through the third article “the myth of civic nationalism thus exaggerates the value as well as the extent of the form of community that it recommends.”
It is without question that Canada is a nation of immigrants. The cultural and ethnic diversity of the current population, combined with exceptionally well-maintained immigration records, provides ample evidence to support this claim. In spite of Canada’s current standing as a bastion of tolerance and multiculturalism, there exists a detailed history of discrimination towards newcomers and minorities in Canada. This research project will examine Canada’s discreditable actions towards landed and would-be immigrants from ethnic minorities in order to expose the romantic façade that Canada has always been a benevolent and tolerant nation. It is important that Canadians understand the reality of this country’s immigration history – understanding
Multiculturalism has become a way for nations to implement foreigners into their lives; however, Malik believes that countries are taking
According to Oak (2011), diverse culture has a significant impact on host country. It is helpful to exchange the culture values and knowledge. Immigrants face new people and share their innovative things and vice versa. Immigrants learn basic skills and learn many things related to their culture. According to Oak (2011), in some occasions immigration may be an outcomes of distribution of population. Immigration helps an overpopulated country to balance their population. Mostly immigrant’s moves to balanced country from overpopulated one it’s good for their population. Lack of resources face by some countries as compared to others. Balanced countries have many resources and have less population. Migration from overcrowding country to balanced country is good for both countries.