Cultural Differences In Deaf Culture

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There are four components which can be expressed by every culture and they include language, values, behavioral norms and traditions according to Deaf & hard of hearing – Deaf culture fact sheet, (2015). These factors have thereby led to the differences in. By comparing the three cultures will help and individual have a better perspective and understanding what their values and beliefs are thereby defining their differences.
Deaf culture
Many people do not seem to be aware that there is a Deaf culture and many hearing people often assume that those who are hard of hearing desire to hear but unfortunately this is not the case. According to My Deafness – Deaf culture facts, (2015) “Deaf people often consider positives of being deaf such as …show more content…

prefers to utilize the American Sign Language (ASL) for communication. According to Deaf & hard of hearing – Deaf culture fact sheet, (2015) “ASL has been passed on from one generation to the next in schools” and that “when ASL was not allowed in classrooms Deaf staff and peers secretly used this language to communicate” therefore demonstrating its significance in the Deaf culture. As already stated vision is a strong element in communication within the Deaf culture and therefore norms such as eye contact are very important. Body language and facials expressions can be easily read by a deaf individual thereby providing additional information while communicating. In order to get the attention of the other person a deaf individual utilizes hand waving something which Deaf & hard of hearing – Deaf Culture fact sheet, (2015) states that “ it is most …show more content…

Overview of Chinese Culture, p16). China has a variety of languages, dialects and all these varieties belong to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages according to China – Languages, Culture, Customs and Etiquette, (2014). There is also the need for an individual to be affiliated with either a family, workgroup, school or even country thereby making the Chinese culture a collective society according to China – Languages, Cultures, Customs and Etiquette, (2014).
Understanding these three cultures and any other cultures different from those one is familiar with is important. Many disagreements and misunderstanding can be reduced if people take the time to learn from one another. Since the world is diverse learning about various cultures which a person may come

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