Cruelty In The Crucible Essay

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Cruelty is actions leading to the pain or suffering of others, sometimes intended. Throughout society we use cruelty as our reaction to another’s mistake. Cruelty may also act as the source of these mistakes resulting in social, political and personal motivators to others to be cruel. In the movie, The Crucible cruelty acts as crucial social, political, and personal motivator. The antagonist Abigail Williams utilizes cruelty to hide her past faults. Abigail’s cruelty was stimulated by cruelty from John Proctor, the protagonists. Cruelty reveals more about the victims of her than Abigail herself. Cruelty is a continuous cycle that plays a key role in the movie’s overall message on reputations, power, and guilt.
In the movie The Crucible, …show more content…

Many of the victims chose the importance of the opinion of man than the opinion of God. Those victims chose to risk their reputation of God than with man. This factor reveals that some of the most religious people in Puritan society cared more about upholding man’s standards rather than God’s. Many of the victims confessed others to witchcraft to save their own life. This reveals how selfish and unmoral many of the people are. John proctor said when being forced to confess or die that “ I speak my own sins; I cannot judge another. I have no tongue for it”. John is refusing to lie on another, refusing to judge others, but also refusing to live. Cruelty reveals how selfless people are. John refused to bring others down like Abigail did him. How individuals handle being treated unfairly shows more about them than the person treating them unfair.
Cruelty is a constant motivator throughout literature. Cruelty can be used as a problem, or solution. How characters react to cruelty is crucial to characterization. In the Crucible cruelty is used to portray the message that your heart does not change due to your reputation in others eyes. How bad other people treat you based on what they think about does not actually change who you are and you should not let it change you. Cruelty towards John proctors clearly captures this

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