Critical Thinking: Inadopting A Skeptical Approach

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Critical thinking is that mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing. Critical thinking is important because it focuses on evidence over emotion or ego allowing you to think critically and consider facts. Critical thinking is inward-focused and can be achieved when there is harmony with one’s self, it is maximizing your ability to think rationally. To think critically, we look at a claim and examine it from all points of view. We consider that it might be real, unreal, or misunderstood. We apply our own knowledge and research other opinions to develop our final thoughts. To be truly critical requires an objectivity that is difficult, if not …show more content…

Aadopting a skeptical approach is beneficial in terms of highlighting the weakness of views and philosophies however in my views it can lead critical thinker a stray. If one is always skeptical about an idea or information receive, he/she is only able to compute what he/she perceives as right and as the saying goes perception is reality and everyone sees things differently. To me skepticism is not appreciate in all situation as skepticism can lead one to disregard truthful information because he/she is unable to comprehend or perceives information to be fantastical. While the critical thinking approach of curiosity serves a useful purpose in receiving information though question it does not however say what is done with this information so in a since while one can be curious and seek information about an idea or concept the information gathered can still be tainted by the …show more content…

It was assumed the United States could not be attacked we were safe that shattered on 9/11 where as if critically interpreted information we would have realized our national security had serious flaws as our aviation was vastly unsecured. The FAA did not adjust either its own training or training with NORAD to take account of threats other than those experienced in the past (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 2004: Executive Summary, 10) and our border protection was suspect at best. Implications all but confirmed the with the first attempt to bomb the world trade center in 1993 and numerous attacks of terrors around the world that Al Qaeda was dangerous, growing in strength and had their sights set on the United States. All of this could have thwarted if decision makers could be more objective to information received. Being objective would allow one in receive information process it, take away personal feelings leaving only facts to make a sound decision. Through this 9/11 may have been

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