Introduction Everyone possess critical thinking skills but when it comes to criticize a journal article it can be difficult for the first time, one of the best ways to develop critical thinking and reading skills is to use some strategies when reading and evaluating a research study (Wood & Haber,1998). The following essay it is going to focus in a critique of a qualitative journal article by giving its strengths and weakness, critical appraisal it is going to be done with support from different references and frameworks relevant to a qualitative study. Title Crombie & Davies (1997) stated that the article title gives an understanding of what the study is going to be about and the author intentions of how the study will be done. The current article title generates a form a ‘relation-ship’ between radiographer and patient which represent a dependant variable and also has been expressed into a declarative format rather than a question format (Wood & Haber 1998). It also gives an idea about the method used for this study which is Transactional Analysis (Booth, 2007) and is written in a comprehensive way which engages the reader to have a look further throughout the article. In previous observational study (Booth & Manning, 2005) found that Transactional Analysis can be effectively used for identifying radiographers communication and behaviour within the department. Author name appears under the title but its professional occupation is not mentioned and therefore the question arises if the author is by profession radiographer or has a background in radiography, however the journal is peer-reviewed with all dates available since receiving the article to its availability online (Bassett, 2004). Abstract From abstract of article... ... middle of paper ... ... used a broad and a variety of literature review but looking on the reference list some of the literature is ten or more than ten years old which in this case cannot give enough support to the study, however Booth (2007) explain the factors that might affect communication in radiography and she gives some suggestion of how this problems might be solved. She does discuss the study clinical relevance and recommendation for further studies is stated. Overall the study can be categorised as a good qualitative study with a few pitfalls and also researcher is well informed and organised in conducting a qualitative study, the present article has a little value in radiography and probably further studies in this matter can give different results in relation to radiographer’s communication with the patients. The actual findings are not applicable to Evidence Based Practice.
In the radiology profession first you must write the patient’s file. This includes information about insurance, medical history, what the required x-ray is for and where it is going to be taken on the body. Writing in this way is similar to writing a small research paper. You must do research on the patients and there history and what insurance they have. Writing the report is important because the information must be accurate so the patient can be helped as much as possible. If the information about medical history is incorrect it can cause a huge problem for the patient. For example, if the patient is claustrophobic they would need to get an open room x-ray where the patient isn’t in an enclosed tube so they don’t have a panic attack and potentially injure themselves and others. It is very important to make sure the report has the correct area of where the x-ray needs to be taken. Having the wrong part of the body x-...
As a medical assistant, I will tell the patients that we need to establish that radiographs are a necessary part of good patients care. Since we can’t see inside of our body, radiographs provide valuable information that we can’t visualize. I will also tell the patients that if they don’t want to take X-rays there will be a greater negative effect. I will also explain her that if we take X-rays, we will know how to taking care of her. If she refuse to take X-rays, we will not know about her health situation and there will be a big problems and it can also lead to death. I will reassure her that if you don’t take X-rays, we cannot give you the care you deserve without radiographs. So be prepare on the next visit for X-rays. If the patient refuse
Qualitative research is regarded as an inductive process, which within natural settings attempts to produce insights on the subjective experiences, meanings, practices and point of views of those involved (Craig & Smyth, 2007). The aim here was to investigate factors influencing the communication styles used by the radiographers, therefore, allowing a better understanding to patient-centred care within diagnostic radiography.
Effective communication between patient and clinician is an important aspect to patient care. Proper communication has a direct positive impact on patient care and adversely poor communication has a direct negative impact on patient care. I will define the seven principles of patient-clinician communication and how I apply these communications with my patients. I will also describe the three methods currently being used to improve interdisciplinary communication and the one method that my area of practice currently uses. Then, I will explain the ethical principles that can be applied to issues in patient-clinician communication. And Lastly, the importance of ethics in communication and how patient safety is influenced by good or bad team communication.
Modern medicine is capable of treating a tremendous range of human disease and injuries, but the usefulness of all medical specialties depends on accurate diagnosis. Virtually every conceivable medical specialty relies on radiological technologies to provide formal diagnoses, making radiology one of the most important of all medical specialties. Radiologists enjoy some of the best working conditions in modern medicine and typically experience very positive employment conditions. Consequently, their services are generally in very high demand, with many starting out with six-figure annual incomes immediately after completion of their professional training.
In the future, more care could be taken in discussing the research framework and design; however, overall, this was a well-designed, qualitative research study. Despite a few potential limitations, the study findings were reasonable, consistent with one another, and compatible with similar studies, leaving the research consumer satisfied with the soundness of the study.
Majority of people would like to think that verbal communication is all that physician use; when that’s not the case. About ten percent of verbal communication is use; whereas ninety percent of nonverbal communication is being use explained in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostics Research. Using non-verbal communication determines the atmosphere that a physician and patients are in. Non-verbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. As a physician, it’s important to be engaged into what you’re asking a patient and the respond your giving to that patient. Using non -verbal communication such as facial expression, posture, and attitude can destroy the verbal communication that you’re having with that patient. An article by Elana Goodwin explains the importance of having good verbal and non-verbal communication with patients. In her article, she says,” Without communication, verbal, nonverbal, written, and otherwise, the medical field would be much less efficient and organized, and patients would suffer for it.” The non-verbal communication sets the tone for the verbal communication. For example, giving short answer to the question being ask by a patient would make that patient feel insignificant towards their physician. In my interview, she explains she seen one of her coworkers with bad non-verbal communication towards his patient that lead to the patient mood being change. Seeing the patient mood change lead that patients verbally stop communicating. Having a patient verbally stop communicating makes the job of physician even harder because we can’t no longer get enough information to help with the
In the provision of a high quality care, many factors influence the way it is provided; however, IC is crucial. A healthy work environment would result from open communication among the staff, it would increase the employees and patients’ level of satisfaction and sense of well-being. Good communication is the cornerstone for the IC, it is a complex process which requires to develop some skills to learn how to transmit some information. One of the most common factors leading to medical errors, are due to miscommunication, sometimes because the message is not clearly sent, and others because it is not clearly received or it is misunderstood (Danna, 2015). In terms of communication non-verbal communication must be taken into consideration as well; body language, facial expressions, use of space, and touch, entail conscious or unconscious movements and gestures, also impacts the communication among the staff and
Radiographers provide essential services to millions of people. They deal with patients of all types and ages, from the very young to the elderly, as well as patients with special needs, such as visual or hearing impairments. Diagnostic radiographers produce high-quality images of organs limbs and other body parts to allow a wide range of diseases to be diagnosed. According to (The College of Radiographers -Registered Charity No 272505) May 2008. As a diagnostic radiographer, I am not confined to work in the x-ray department. I will x-ray patients in the accident and emergency department, on the wards, in the intensive care unit and in the operating theatre when patients are too ill to visit the x-ray department. Diagnostic radiographers work as part of a team and may work alone, outside normal working hours to provide x-ray services 24 hours a day. Wide ranges of imaging methods are used. These include ultrasound, MRI and CT scanning. Ranges of dyes or contrast agents are sometimes used to show soft tissue organs that would not appear on standard x-ray examinations e.g. arteries, the bowel and kidneys. (Medical Physics page 159-188)
Qualitative research is an approach that attempts to situate an activity that locates the observer in the world by providing the study to occur in their natural setting and by attempting to make sense of, or interpret information (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). A characteristic of qualitative research is to use a variety of empirical materials such as personal experience, interviews, and questionnaires. It is imperative to understand the task at hand and how to fully carry out the study when using a qualitative research approach in order to find out the information needed. One view of qualitative research is it involves examining individual’s experiences and documenting those experiences in detail (Jones, 2011). By documenting these observations the researcher is ensuring validity in his or her data and giving the correct creditability to those who participated in the study.
Ulin,R.P., Robinson,E.T.,Tolle,E.E. (2005) Qualitative Methods in Public Health: A Field Guide for Applied Research. San Francisco: Family health international. in Humanities a
focused on the key qualitative research methods. For each article review, a brief description, guided by Myers (2013), and a critique, guided Pratt (2009), is provided. A summary of the five articles identifying the research method, data collection technique, data analysis approach and critique is provided in Table 1. The narrative review of each article coupled with figures and tables to organize and visualize thoughts (Pratt, 2009) follows the summary table.
Communication involves relaying information from an individual to another through the use of verbal and nonverbal techniques. Many factors affect the effectiveness of information relay. It involves evaluating verbal aspects such as tone of voice, the emotional content being communicated, the timing and rapport of the interaction with patients, and nonverbal techniques such as facial expressions, time invested. It is necessary for productive and satisfactory work environment, improved patient outcomes, and settling conflicts. The purpose of this paper is to identify issues with ineffective communication and ways to improve proper communication throughout the a hospital’s interdisciplinary team and patients.
Roberts, T. (2003). Effects of Alphabet-Letter Instruction on Young Children’s Word Recognition [Electronic Version]. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95 (1), 41-51.
...chniques and procedures among those associated with quantitative or qualitative research. A literature review, which included document analysis, was used to answer sub-questions one, two and three. A model building approach was suggested to answer sub-question four. In addition, the study uses a case study as a proof-of-concept. The use of a case study is a qualitative empirical study to strengthen the research validity. Since the research methods directly responding to the research questions (Literature review and Model building) make use of textual data, we classified this study as a qualitative study. Table 3.1 below summarises the classification of this study in terms of the dimensions discussed above.