Criminological Paradigms

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Criminological paradigms or theories explain why people commit crimes and why individual behave in a certain situation. It also explanation of crime, the relationship between individual characteristic, social order, how individual develop crime, level, distribution of a crime and causes of crime. Most criminological paradigms or theories serve as an element to prevent crime in the society. These theories are designed to let people understand criminal behaviors, but they are yet to clarify why punishment or incarcerate of offenders is unable to prevent deviancy.
Criminology has different types of paradigms and theory, they are, rational choice, classical, conflict, critical, labeling, routine activity, social control, positive, life course, biosocial, strain and differential association theory. Furthermore, some of the theories believe that people weigh the advantages and disadvantages and aware of making a decision on whether to commit or not to commit a crime. Some theories argue that individual is born as a criminal so they have the trait that will determine how they react in a negative situation. Some say that society influence individual to commit a crime. I would be talking about rational choice and classical theory. …show more content…

Classical theory has the same perspective because of its belief that individual think before they proceed to commit a crime because people decide that it was a benefit to commit a crime. The two theories assign an urge role to rational decision marking of the offender than other theories. Both theories derived its origin from John Locke and they are rooted in utilitarianism, the concept that public policy decision should maximize pleasure while minimizing pain among all the

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