Question 1, option A:
In the formal criminal justice process one has to undergo many steps before they can be released. There are two phases that one must endure before arrest they are the initial contact where a police officer observes, hears, or responds to criminal activity. The other is the investigation process where it is the burden of the police to find sufficient evidence to support a legal arrest. Once a person is arrested the police needs to have a probable cause for arresting the individual. Then the officer arrests the individual denying the individual their freedom. Second the officer takes the criminal into custody this is where an officer may want to search for more evidence or interrogate a person. Third, the individual will
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After the criminal charges have been given to the prosecutor they will then decide what charges will be given for what the evidence provides. The next step is a preliminary hearing, the U.S constitution states that before a trial can take place the government must first prove probable cause (Fagin, 2014). The fifth step of the process is an arraignment this is before a trial, the individual will be brought in (arraigned) this is where the charges will be presented to the person charged. After that a person will be granted or not granted bail, which is a money bond to ensure the return of the individual for their sentencing. If a person cannot afford bail they will be housed in the facility. The seventh phase is a plea bargain, this is where the defense and the prosecution come up with some sort of charges for the individual’s guilty plea. Next, a trial or adjudication will take place if an agreement cannot be met or if the prosecution does not wish to negotiate a plea agreement. Ninth the sentencing takes place this is where the criminal will be given the consequences to his actions. They include fines, jail time, probation, community service or other punishments. After that a person has a right to appeal the …show more content…
Some include juvenile procedures usually enforce protection and treatment, jurisdiction is usually determined by the age and severity of crime, juvenile proceedings are not considered criminal, courts cannot release reports to the media press identifying information, parents are highly involved, juveniles are released to their parents’ custody where adults are released on their own, juveniles have no constitutional right to a trial, juveniles can be searched at school with no probable cause, juveniles records are usually sealed, courts cannot sentence juveniles to an adult correctional facility, and the U.S courts declared that the 8th amendment prohibits the death penalty. The treatment of juvenile offenders uses the rehabilitative method in trying to change the behaviors by using therapy, educational, or vocational programs. The supervision of the individual is done by the integration of the officer assigned to the juvenile’s case, the juveniles parents, and the school in which they reside. The three proceedings that take place on a juvenile case are the initial hearing, the adjudicatory hearing or fact finding hearing, and the judgment which takes into consideration of possible dispositions of the juvenile. The disposition outcomes are when a hearing is performed by juvenile judges that determine the most appropriate outcomes for the
The Court ruled for the juvenile, stating that his rights to due process were indeed violated according to the Fourteenth Amendment. “The proceedings of the Juvenile Court failed to comply with the Constitution. The Court held that the proceedings for juveniles had to comply with the requirements of the Fourteenth Amendment” (Oyez, n.d.). The Court analyzed the juvenile court's method of handling cases, verifying that, while there are good reasons behind handling juveniles in a different way from adults, adolescents seeking to settling delinquency and detainment cases are qualified for certain procedural safeguards under the Due Process Act of the Fourteenth
In chapter twelve, Joel Samaha has discussed various court proceedings before trial. Samaha begins to elaborate the importance of the prosecutor’s decision in determining whether there is a concrete case against the alleged defendant. The evidence at hand ultimately dictates the proceeding of events in court. Along with evidence, the lack of resources might add to the difficulty in charging an individual. Prosecutors are faced with an overload of cases; ultimately prosecutors are forced to prioritize their cases based on their resources and the evidence provided. The cases that are regarded are then considered for suspect detainment. Probable cause to detain suspects is undergone so that the case may proceed to trial. Typically an arraignment
Sets forth procedures for a judicial officer to order the release or detention of an arrested person pending trial, sentencing, and appeal
The focus of the juvenile justice system is to rehabilitate juvenile offenders, rather than to imprison and punish like the systems adult counterpart. According to Caldwell (1961) the juvenile justice system is based on the principle that youth are developmentally and fundamentally different from adults. This has lead to the development of a separate justice system for juveniles that was initially designed to assist troubled juveniles providing them with protection, treatment, and guidance. When performing as it is designed and up to the initial intentions, the juvenile court balances rehabilitation (treatment) of the offender with suitable sanctions when necessary such as incarceration. According to Mack (1909) the focus of the juvenile justice system has shifted from “how can we help the child”, “why did the child commit the crime” to “was the crime committed”. According to Griffin (2008) in some cases juveniles may be required to be “transferred” to adult court. The prerequisites for transfer to adult court are the duty to protect the public from violent youths, serious crime, and the lack of rehabilitation chance from the juvenile court. According to Flesch (2004) many jurisdictions handle the issue of serious juvenile crime by charging juveniles as adults. Charging a juvenile as an adult is done by a method which is called waiver to adult court. This waiver allows adult criminal court to have the power to exercise jurisdiction over juveniles and handle the juvenile’s case as an adult’s case would be tried. According to Flesch (2004) a juvenile is both tried and if convicted of the crime the juvenile will be sentenced as an adult when his or her case is waived from the juvenile court. Waiver to adult court initially was viewe...
Within the Federal Government there are three main branches; “the Legislative, the Judicial, and Executive” (Phaedra Trethan, 2013). They have the same basic shape and the same basic roles were written in the Constitution in 1787.
The criminal trial process is able to reflect the moral and ethical standards of society to a great extent. For the law to be effective, the criminal trial process must reflect what is accepted by society to be a breach of moral and ethical conduct and the extent to which protections are granted to the victims, the offenders and the community. For these reasons, the criminal trial process is effectively able to achieve this in the areas of the adversary system, the system of appeals, legal aid and the jury system.
These studies specify the factors that judges must take into consideration in making decisions regarding pretrial release or detention. These factors are: (1) the nature and circumstances of the offense charged, including whether the offense is a crime of violence or involves a controlled substance; (2) the weight of the evidence against the defendant; (3) the history and characteristics of the defendant; and (4) the nature and seriousness of the danger to any person or the community that would be posed by the defendant’s release. The defendant’s “history and characteristics” include the defendant’s “character, physical and mental condition, family ties, employment, financial resources, length of residence in the community, community ties, past conduct, history relating ...
There are a few elements that need to be introduced before an arrest is taken place. These few elements are Seizures and detention, Intention to arrest, Arrest Authority and lastly understanding for the individual that they are being arrested. To discuss these elements it first starts with seizure and detention. Seizure and detention have a two-lane road which is actual, meaning that a person is taken into custody without using the use of force but very few touching is sometimes involved or by firearm, the other way is constructive which means when an individual's corporates with the officer peacefully. It is known that if neither of these exists the arrest isn't valid (Del Carmen). Another element of arrest is the intention to arrest. The intention to arrest clear means that the law enforcement officer has the intention to arrest individuals by words of mouth or with action taking place. Without the intentions to arrest on the scene it would also be considered invalid (Wadia Whalen). Also with the intention to arrest once words and action are taken place, the officer has to take the person down to the police station or before a judicial officer. The intention to arrest is quite hard to prove because it's whatsit in the officer mind. The other element listed above that is
The use of evidence and witnesses is a mechanism in which the law attempts to balance the rights of victims and offenders in the criminal trial process. Evidence used in court are bound by the Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) and have to be lawfully obtained by the police. The use of evidence and witnesses balance the victims’ rights to a great extent. However, it is ineffective in balancing the rights of offenders. The law has been progressive in protecting the rights of victims in the use and collection of evidence and witness statements. The Criminal Procedure Amendment (Domestic Violence Complainants) Bill 2014, which amends the Criminal Procedure Act 1986, passed the NSW Legislative Council on 18 November 2014. The amendment enables victims of
The Miranda warnings stem from a United States Court’s decision in the case, Miranda v. Arizona. There are two basic conditions that must be met for Miranda warnings to be required: the suspect must be in official police custody and the suspect must be under interrogation. The suspect goes through a booking process after an arrest. The suspect will have a bond hearing shortly after the completion of the booking process or after arraignment. The arraignment is the suspect’s first court appearance to officially hear the charges filed against him or her and to enter a plea. The preliminary hearing or grand jury proceeding determines if there is substantial evidence for the suspect to be tried for the crime charged. In this essay, I will identify and describe at least four rights afforded criminal defendants at the arrest stage and during pretrial. I will analyze the facts presented and other relevant factors in the scenario provided. I will cite legal authority to support my conclusions.
One of the fasting growing juvenile treatment and interventions programs are known as teen courts. Teen courts serve as an alternative juvenile justice, to young offenders. Non-violent, and mostly first time offenders are sentenced by their peers’ in teen courts. Teen courts also serve as juvenile justice diversion programs. Teen courts vary from state to state, and sometimes within the same state. With this program, all parties of the judicial setting are juveniles with the exception of the judge. Each teen court, is designed specifically to meet the needs of the community it serves. Teen courts were created to re-educate offenders throughout the judicial process, create a program with sanctions that will allow the youth not to have a juvenile record, and to also instil a sense of responsibility.
Firstly, the accused person has a right to a speedy trial. This provision protects accused persons from unnecessary delays. In essence, it seeks to curb delayed commencement of the trial against the accused person after his or her indictment. This clause sets the time limits within which the prosecution should be ready to commence the charging of the accused, a time limit which if by any reason whatsoever is violated, the case is dismissed in totality and the accused released to freedom. For instance, within six months, the prosecution is required to be ready for the trial in all felonies apart from murder charges. This right is observed relatively and circumstances of each specific cases may be the limiting factor to this right.
The United States criminal justice system is an ever-changing system that is based on the opinions and ideas of the public. Many of the policies today were established in direct response to polarizing events and generational shifts in ideology. In order to maintain public safety and punish those who break these laws, law enforcement officers arrest offenders and a judge or a group of the law offender’s peers judge their innocence. If found guilty, these individuals are sentenced for a predetermined amount of time in prison and are eventually, evaluated for early release through probation. While on probation, the individual is reintegrated into their community, with restrict limitations that are established for safety. In theory, this system
The United States has been affected by a number of crimes committed by juveniles. The juvenile crime rate has been increasing in recent years. Everyday more juveniles commit crimes for various reasons. They act as adults when they are not officially adults. There is a discussion about how juveniles should be punished if they commit heinous crimes. While many argue that juveniles who commit serious crimes, such as murder, should be treated as adults, the fact is, juveniles under the age of eighteen, are not adults, and should not be treated as such.
This is a hearing since the juveniles do not stand before a trial. The hearing will be scheduled by the intake officer. While proceeding to the court, the judge may talk to the people concerned about the juvenile, evaluate any evidence that was collected if a crime was committed or any other complaints against the juvenile, and consider the youth’s previous history if any crimes were committed and how many times the juvenile has been in trouble with the law. The judge will then order an outcome which can result in probation, institutionalization, formal diversion, or even holding the juvenile for charges against him or her. Probation is supervised and the juvenile must stay at home or in a community setting, but must report to his or her officer regularly. The juvenile must follow all probation conditions granted by the court such as obeying the laws, staying in school, staying away from drugs and alcohol and other requirements instructed. Institutionalization is a form of detention system that is to rehabilitate deviant youths. They also serve as a protection for at-risk youths. There are two types of Juvenile institutions: Long-term correctional and short-term temporary care. Long-term includes, for the most part, training schools, youth ranches and camps, and boot camp. They also usually place male and females separately. Short-term facilities include jails, shelters, detention homes, and reception areas. In the facility you also