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Dostoevsky analysis of crime and punishment
Dostoevsky analysis of crime and punishment
Dostoevsky analysis of crime and punishment
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Recommended: Dostoevsky analysis of crime and punishment
Kimberly Lozano
Honors English 4
11 May 2015
The Extraordinary and the Ordinary: Finding Redemption through Characters
Have you ever wanted to be Superman and have x-ray vision? Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov does certainly want to be a superman in Crime and Punishment, but not the famous, comic book hero owned by DC Comics. Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment tells the plight of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, an impoverished student, who formulates an idea in which he believes extraordinary men have the right to commit any crime in the name of progress. Dostoevsky’s classic psycho thriller tells Raskolnikov’s tale of woe as he sets out to discover whether he has the right to transcend moral law. The characters that Raskolnikov encounters
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Why is it that Raskolnikov hates Luzhin so much? Luzhin is definitely annoying and quite manipulative character, but what irks Raskolnikov is that he sees himself mirrored in Luzhin. Luzhin himself is a sort of reflection of Raskolnikov. Luzhin embodies the far extreme of Raskolnikov’s ideas. To Luzhin, people are expendable when economics demand it, which is justifiable by Raskolnikov’s theory of “allowing blood for the sake of an idea” (Dostoevsky 261). Luzhin explains his theories in full to Raskolnikov, Razumikhin, and Zossimov in his first visit to Raskolnikov using the example of a coat which, once torn in two in an effort to help one’s neighbor, becomes useless. According to Luzhin, “everything in the world is based on self-interest” and therefore to keep one’s cpats for one’s own and not to aid one’s neighbor actually benefits society more because “the more. . . whole coats there are in society, the firmer its foundations and the better arranged its common cause” (Dostoevsky 149). What Luzhin is espousing is essentially egoism, the belief that an action is only rational if it maximizes one’s self-interest, mixed with trickle-down economics. Luzhin states this saying, “It follows that by acquiring solely and exclusively for myself, I am thereby precisely acquiring for everyone” (Dostoevsky 149). At hearing Luzhin’s theories, “Raskolnikov is outraged, partly because he recognizes points of similarity between Luzhin’s rationale …show more content…
“Throughout the narrative and especially in its resolution. it is Sonia who in her faith and love prevents the triumph of Raskolnikov’s nihilism and despair” (Werge 90). In Crime and Punishment it is said that, “insatiable compassion was reflected in every feature of [Sonia’s] face” (Dostoevsky 567). After Raskolnikov’s encounter with Razumikhin, Raskolnikov goes and finds Sonya. Raskolnikov tries to drop hints similar to what he did with Razumikhin, but Sonia doesn’t catch any of his hints. Raskolnikov becomes irritable and frustrated because Sonia is ultimately forcing him confess completely. When Raskolnikov does finally confess to his murders Sonia finds that, “she cannot leave him alone, any more than she can conspire to escape with him, or to help him escape. Give yourself up, she pleads, and then God will send you life again. Raskolnikov is upset with her pleas for him to turn himself in. Sonia emphasizes that he will destroy himself if he does not confess. She believes that in order to achieve redemption, one must suffer. “Sonya, who lives out of the humiliation of prostitution, is the only character who understands more fully... that her human will is worth next to nothing unless turned towards God in a true humility ”(238). Sonia is the only character who can make Raskolnikov realize that he is not a superman who can transgress moral laws. It is through her
Often times in literature, we are presented with quintessential characters that are all placed into the conventional categories of either good or bad. In these pieces, we are usually able to differentiate the characters and discover their true intentions from reading only a few chapters. However, in some remarkable pieces of work, authors create characters that are so realistic and so complex that we are unable to distinguish them as purely good or evil. In the novel Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky develops the morally ambiguous characters of Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov to provide us with an interesting read and to give us a chance to evaluate each character.
In his book Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky explores the paths of two men, Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov. These two men encompass many similar problems and obstacles throughout their lives. Both commit murders and are faced with the long and mentally excruciating journey of seeking redemption. They also share many characteristics of their personalities. The reason that the outcomes of their lives are so drastically different is due to the fact that they have completely different perspectives on life.
Dostoyevsky's writing in this book is such that the characters and setting around the main subject, Raskolnikov, are used with powerful consequences. The setting is both symbolic and has a power that affects all whom reside there, most notably Raskolnikov. An effective Structure is also used to show changes to the plot's direction and Raskolnikov's character. To add to this, the author's word choice and imagery are often extremely descriptive, and enhance the impact at every stage of Raskolnikov's changing fortunes and character. All of these features aid in the portrayal of Raskolnikov's downfall and subsequent rise.
In Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, Raskalnikov undergoes a period of extreme psychological upheaval. By comparing this death and rebirth of Raskalnikov's psyche to the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, Dostoevsky emphasizes not only the gravity of his crimes, but also the importance of acceptance of guilt.
In such poor living conditions, those that the slums of Russia has to offer, the characters in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment1 struggle, living day to day. Raskolnikov, the protagonist, experiences multiple layers of suffering (the thought of his murder causes him greater suffering than does his poverty) as does Sonia and Katerina Ivanovna (1). Through these characters as well as Porfiry Petrovitch, Dostoevsky wants the reader to understand that suffering is the cost of happiness and he uses it to ultimately obliterate Raskolnikov’s theory of an ubermensch which allows him to experience infinite love.
Dostoevsky was made aware of the problems with Nihilistic ideas while he was exiled in Siberia. Crime and Punishment was Dostoevsky’s first attempt at a psychological analysis of a person’s inner struggles to rationalize this radicalism. Raskolnikov represents that intelligentsia and is being used by Dostoevsky to portray and warn against succumbing to these ideals. Dostoevsky uses Raskolnikov’s life to illustrate the implications and applications of this Nihilist to the public and then expands upon it in Demons.
Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment begins with Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov living in poverty and isolation in St. Petersburg. The reader soon learns that he was, until somewhat recently, a successful student at the local university. His character at that point was not uncommon. However, the environment of the grim and individualistic city eventually encourages Raskolnikov’s undeveloped detachment and sense of superiority to its current state of desperation. This state is worsening when Raskolnikov visits an old pawnbroker to sell a watch. During the visit, the reader slowly realizes that Raskolnikov plans to murder the woman with his superiority as a justification. After the Raskolnikov commits the murder, the novel deeply explores his psychology, yet it also touches on countless other topics including nihilism, the idea of a “superman,” and the value of human life. In this way, the greatness of Crime and Punishment comes not just from its examination of the main topic of the psychology of isolation and murder, but the variety topics which naturally arise in the discussion.
In Crime and Punishment, we see Raskolnikov caught between reason and will, the human needs for personal freedom and the need to submit to authority. He spends most of the first two parts stuck between wanting to act and wanting to observe. After he acts and murders the old woman, he spends much time contemplating confession. Raskolnikov seems trapped in his world although there is really nothing holding him back; he chooses not to flee and not to confess, but still acts as though he's suffocation (perhaps guilt?)In both novels defeat seems inevitable. Both characters believe that normal man is stupid, unsatisfied and confused. Perhaps they are right, but both characters fail to see the positive aspects of humans; the closest was the scene between the narrator of Notes from the Underground and Liza. In this scene he almost lets the human side show, rather than the insecure, closed off person he normally is.
One of the aspects of Crime and Punishment that stands out is that it is much more than a simple crime story. It is in fact a great study of the mind of a murder. Raskolnikov is a terrifying but sympathetic main character precisely because he is just twisted enough, just ill enough, for the reader to believe anyone is capable of such atrocities. The jumping off point for Raskolnikov is his idea of extraordinary and ordinary people. Looking at his theory and applying it as a tool for analysis of Raskolnikov himself leads not only to a deeper understanding of this idea but also of Raskolnikov. It also explains to some degree how seemingly benign ideas can lead a believer to do unspeakable things.
In his novel Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky uses Raskolnikov as a vessel for several different philosophies that were particularly prominent at the time in order to obliquely express his opinions concerning those schools of thought. Raskolnikov begins his journey in Crime and Punishment with a nihilistic worldview and eventually transitions to a more optimistic one strongly resembling Christian existentialism, the philosophy Dostoevsky preferred, although it could be argued that it is not a complete conversion. Nonetheless, by the end of his journey Raskolnikov has undergone a fundamental shift in character. This transformation is due in large part to the influence other characters have on him, particularly Sonia. Raskolnikov’s relationship with Sonia plays a significant role in furthering his character development and shaping the philosophical themes of the novel.
Within the tortured mind of a young Russian university student, an epic battle rages between two opposite ideologies - the conservative Christianity characteristic of the time, and a new modernist humanism gaining prevalence in academia. Fyodor Dostoevsky in the novel Crime and Punishment uses this conflict to illustrate why the coldly rational thought that is the ideal of humanism represses our essential emotions and robs us of all that is human. He uses the changes in Raskolnikov's mental state to provide a human example of modernism's effect on man, placing emphasis upon the student's quest for forgiveness and the effect of repressed emotion. The moral side of Raskolnikov's mind requires absolution in a Christian manner. This need obliviates his claim to be a Nietzschean superman, and illustrates that all humans have a desire for morality.
In Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov's initial crime, failure, and acceptance of mistakes are his road to overcoming his ego, as well as self discovery.
According to Raskolnikov’s theory in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”,there are two types of people that coexist in the world; the “Extraordinary” and the “Ordinary”. The ordinary men can be defined as “Men that have to live in submission, have no right to transgress the law, because they are ordinary.”(248). To the contrary “extraordinary” men are “Men that have a right to commit any crime and to transgress the law in any way , just because they are extraordinary”(248). Dostoevsky’s theory is evident through the characters of his novel. The main character, Raskolnikov, uses his theory of extraordinary men to justify contemplated murder. There is a sense of empowerment his character experiences with the ability to step over social boundaries. He is led to believe the killing of the pawnbroker is done for the perseverance of the greater good. It is ironic that character who is shown to be powerful in the early stages of the novel subsequently go on to show many weaknesses.
Due to his murder, he had no concern or care for anyone. By killing two women and taking their lives away how could Raskolnikov possess sincere feelings for anyone? Raskolnikov’s lack of care influences how he views his family: “I hate them, I feel a physical hatred for them” (276). Raskolnikov has entirely lost love. If he has deep hatred towards those people most dear to him, then he must greatly lack love. But by Sonia’s actions, Raskolnikov is able to once again feel love. Sonia genuinely loves him. When confessing about the murder, Raskolnikov learns “how great [is] her love for him” (417). He begins to understand how Sonia feels and this realization strikes remorse in him. He becomes upset with himself because “he had made her more miserable” (420). Here Raskolnikov is concerned about Sonia. Earlier Raskolnikov had no feelings for anyone, but now he begins to regret his actions and feels bad about making her cry. Sonia’s deep love for him radiates off of herself and affects Raskolnikov which makes him feel compassion towards her. He begins to understand Sonia’s feelings and intentions even more when he returns for her cross: “ Raskolnikov at that moment felt and knew once for all that Sonia was with him forever and would follow him to the ends of the earth” (521). Raskolnikov recognizes how true and perpetual Sonia’s love and concern for him is and will be. Her love gives him hope for a bright future and thus he starts
Raskolnikov's article, "On Crime," is vital to the understanding of his beliefs. This article also has a profound effect on Crime and Punishment as a whole, the subject matter being one of the main themes of the novel. The idea of the "extraordinary man" is referred to literally throughout the book, but also notable is the subconscious effect the idea has on Raskolnikov. Sometimes Raskolnikov is not even aware of this influence. It is important to note originality, or the ability to "utter a new word," as a defining characteristic of the extraordinary man. Therefore, we must take into account the presence of similar ideas, those of Pisarev, Nietzsche, and nihilism, as these might bring to light the possibility that Raskolnikov is not original, a possibility that haunts him throughout the novel.