Creative Writing: The Handmaid's Tale

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Rowenna lifted her eyes, watching the man retreat, her husband to be. They didn't bother with ceremonies? How was it a true marriage then? Her father marrying her off to a Pagan who didn't even have the decency to create a proper ceremony or marriage that was binding legally. And easy anulment? Even if he did marry her, he could just as easily dispose of her and then she would be ruined. She glanced at her father and then at the man who told her to fetch some water. her new brother in law it seemed. At his order, she snorted. "If you desire water, fetch it yourself," she snapped, causing a few of the men to chuckle at his expense before she turned, making her way back toward the hill, bypassing the guards as she went.

Her father lingered for a moment, promising her return within the hour before moving back up after her. She was in a foul disposition to be sure and as she found her way back to the keep, the angry tears were already falling down her cheek. "How could you do this to me? Marry me off to that savage? For godsake father, what if he is a beast?" she snapped as her father directed a handmaiden to pack her things. She jerked away when he went to touch her her and embrace her, as if she cared. "And I'm not even getting a ceremony or marriage rites..." she said, gripping her rosary as she pulled it from the pocket of her dress. …show more content…

He cannot be to horrible. He agreed to peace...peace is what we need my you will return to him with your things and be his wife...I do not want us parting with bitterness between

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