Creative Writing: The Handmaid's Tale

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Saying goodbye to her good-father, Dondorian, was one of the hardest things Moira had ever done. Her large amber eyes glistened with the strain of the moment, for it had the feel of forever about it. He was a savior, a father, a friend. It was he that set her free from the slavers. And he who invited her into his wagon as a child of his own. It was he that wrapped her in a hug communicating more than the clan leader would ever voice. "We adapt, survive, maintain, circle through, but we come home. Remember that my little dream-dancer, and come home." "Thank you good-father… for everything.” Her voice broke and she stopped, burying her face in his shoulder. She felt her tears soak into his rough spun jerkin and instinctively wiped at the …show more content…

But before Moira could answer, the horse hooves that were just a beat in the back of her brain now sounded their reality at the back of the wagon.
Four horses and riders pulled alongside the buckboard and she noticed Kestrel tense. She gave her a quick side glance and a slight shake of the head as the lead rider called out. “Ho there old man.” Moira touched Kestrel’s hand to signal for her to rein in the horses. As the horses slowed, she turned toward the riders and nodded. “You there, have you seen any of the clan’s people heading south this morning? They could be in a wagon or on horseback. A girl and what would look to be a boy with long dark hair.” Moira grunted and shook her head, slow and long. “No, no clan’s people. Most we’ve seen are headin to the faire. Those headed south, I figure be like us. Plum out of wares and in a hurry to return home for spring plant…” The man cut her answer off, “What about you there boy, your eyes any better than the ol’ dotard?” Kestrel glanced over as Moira nudged her with her knee. She kept her head down and forward and said, “I got sleep eye, sir. Yer the first I seen since I

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