Creative Writing: The Handmaid's Tale

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¨Pandora took the box gifted to her by the gods then, locked it in a heavy oaken chest, put shackles on the chest, dug a hole in her garden and she put the chest in the ground.covered the box over with dirt, and rolled a boulder on top of it. When Epimetheus came home, her hair was wild and her hands were bloody, her tunic torn and stained. But all she would tell him was that she had been working in the garden. That night the moonlight blazed into the room, she could not sleep, the light pressed her eyes open. She sat up in bed and looked around. All the room was swimming in moonlight. Everything was different. There were deep shadows and swaths of silver, all mixed, all moving. She arose quietly and tiptoed from the room. She went out into the garden. The flowers were blowing, the trees were swaying. The whole world was a dance in the magic white fire of that moonlight. She walked to the rock and pushed it. It rolled away as lightly as a pebble. And she felt herself full of wild strength. …show more content…

She unshackled it and drew out the golden box. It was cold; coldness burned her hand to the bone. She trembled. What was inside that box seemed to her now the very secret of life, which she must look upon or die. She took the little golden key from her tunic, fitted it into the key hold, and gently opened the lid. There was a swarming, hot, wild meaty rustling, and a foul smell. Out of the box, as she held it up in the moonlight, swarmed small scaly lizard-like creatures with bat wings and burning red

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