Creative Writing: The Coldblooded Murder

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It couldn’t contain itself. The first cut into the flesh was so pleasurable: the thought of ruining something so delicate and precious, the sound of when the red liquid pattered down on the ground and, best of all, the look of confusion and fear on a person’s face. Adrenaline mixed with insanity rushed through.
The creature was crouching down on the ground with bug-eyes waiting for Annie to open the door. It was going to be a fake suicide. Murder. Coldblooded murder driven by hatred. Shivers of excitement travelled through its body when the tips of sandals were visible. From then on it was simple. All it took was a little push.
Her shoes were neatly placed behind the weak, wire railing with a small note beside them. Below, was a sight far more gruesome. A young secondary school girl was lying ,face up, on the pavement. Her oak coloured hair had clumps of dried blood and her neck was deformed; a once white, school shirt was now caked in dust and dirt. Icy blue eyes simply stared towards the railings. The pupils were still dilated. Soon, crowds of prying people formed around …show more content…

Muddy green eyes ,with huge eye bags, looked down at the crowds of Tokyo. He simply stared at the body with boredom. It seemed so much like a typical case. It was either a suicide or a murder. Lawliet walked back to his armchair and sat up, crouching and staring at the wall with wide eyes. It was a mundane, typical apartment room; pasty white walls with equally plain furniture placed in an organised manner. The television was now turned on. Gingerly, Lawliet picked up a strawberry lace, tilted his head back and put it in his mouth. He hoped that he wouldn’t have to investigate the case for the sake of being vigilant. But, he decided that it would be better to conduct an enquiry over this possible murder before he was told to do so. The chief inspectors’ lectures were long and incredibly monotonous. Lectures would be better

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