Creative Creativity And Creative Cognition

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Analogy shows the ideas that are significant and as well indicate both inventions and innovations that have been formed.
Memory mechanism
This are components of memory that have important duties in the process of creative cognition. They include working memory which is an area of storage without permanence and sores information in the short term, interference, created memories and recovered memories.
Creative cognition
Cognition is generally referred to as thinking and it shows the ability of the brain to function appropriately, store information and the retention of information ability.
1.3 Theoretical Framework Religious contexts shows that there were early concepts of creativity and creative cognition. This can be seen from …show more content…

For example, Adam Smith identified the need to take into account the human behavior in a scientific framework. This helped him identify the need to be creative imperatively in various fields such as social and political fields. Several studies were carried out to identify the distinguishing features in sensory functioning of different individuals. This placed into account the assumption that sensory discrimination had a positive association with the levels of intelligence of the involved people. Most psychologists studied the levels of intelligence of people to identify the differences in them. Most of the studies placed little weight on creativity of these people. In the later years, focus was placed on creativity and this led to many people to start studying cognitive processes. Most people have since then applied cognitive approach to creativity to get more information about the creativity levels of individuals. This approach brings together mental representations and the processes that takes place when thinking creatively, (Sternberg, …show more content…

Different approaches will be used to identify the cognitive processes that takes place in people when creative thoughts are involved. Experimental study will be used carry out the research. This will be essential since inferences will be drawn from the observations that will be made from the experiment. This will help in identifying the causative agents in places. The main area here the study will be carried out is a business organization. About ten employees will be randomly selected to answer out certain specific questions that will be asked to them. These will include questions such as what they would like to invent or improve in their current environment or whatever they have planned to do. This will involve a lot of brainstorming to the employees. A case study about the company will also be carried out. This will involve going through the history of the company to look at the improvements it has made since its inauguration. These will be based on the kinds of products that it has invented or improved and the names of individuals who carried out such improvement activities. Other ten employees will be randomly selected to fill in a questionnaire that will have various questions about their details and what they have done to the company. This will include their posts and education history, what they have tried to do to improve the image and products of the

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