Corruption In The Visit, By Fredrich Durrenmatt

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Prominent novelist and play writer, Fredrich Durrenmatt in his play, The Visit, depicts the effects of corruption in the world through various character traits and symbolism. Durrenmatt’s purpose is to show how people will conspire in the most inhumane acts to survive when their livelihoods are at risk. He adopts a ruthless tone in order to reveal unto his readers that survival instincts can override a person’s moral compass in dire situations. The actions of the teacher the pastor and the police officer exemplify the constant internal conflict for the people in this play. All these factors help lead Claire Zachanassian to achieving her life goal of gaining the revenge on Ill, the man who ruined her early years and revenge on the town that …show more content…

That action alone symbolizes an unjust law system and corruption in the decisions made by the enforcers in Gullen. “There’s a new gold tooth gleaming in the officer’s mouth” (52-53).In this quote it is implied that the officer is also a part of the impending betrayal of a fellow citizen because he has a gold tooth he would never be able to afford in his mouth if he wasn’t waiting for a check in the near future along with the townspeople. This also hints on the theme that when enough money is offered anything can be bought. The object the police officer buys and the location of his accessory could also be symbolic to the point of what the money will do to him and the people. The gold tooth which is implied will be paid by Claire is in his mouth, which is essentially what Claire is trying to buy from that specific citizen, his voice in regards to the outcome of the crime she intends on occurring in the near future .The only reason Claire and the whole town is in their predicament is because of the fact that the law system was corrupt, this shows how the town has not progressed in that area and may be foreshadowing to the future of Gullen if they show no progress in trying to change their

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