Corruption In The Great Gatsby Essay

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The Corruption of the American Dream

The American Dream was a concept that allows any person of any social class can receive equal opportunities of gaining success through their hard work and perseverance. This idea has been altered as a result of the dramatic change socially and politically, during the era of the 1920’s. This dramatic change caused the desire for materialistic items, and to become wealthy by any way possible. The Great Gatsby contains characters and ideas that completely embodied the idea of the corrupt American Dream. By examining prohibition, the morality of Jay Gatsby, materialism, and Myrtle Wilson’s desire for a wealthy status, one can conclude that these were the main causes of the corruption of the American Dream …show more content…

Jay Gatsby, who lives in West Egg, best represents the need of a wealthy and lavish lifestyles. Gatsby’s overflowing amount of wealth is represented with his use of his expensive items. A description of his party states, “ On week-ends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains” (Fitzgerald 39). This signifies that Gatsby’s has so much money that even the most fanciest cars he has, he uses them like taxis for people who attend his party. The numerous amount of parties Gatsby hosts also represent materialism. An article states, “Fitzgerald uses Gatsby’s elaborately staged weekend parties as another metaphor for the greed, material excess, and the unrestrained desire for pleasure that resulted in the corruption and disintegration of the American Dream” (Tunc 4). Gatsby’s big and lavish parties every weekend was the center of materialism. Some of his guest who attended did not know him or came without an invitation. Gatsby’s main purpose of these grand parties was only to impress Daisy. As previously stated, Gatsby wanted to show Daisy all the wealth he had to win her back from Tom. He uses his grand party to show off his wealth and fortune to impress Daisy. In the end, Gatsby’s materialism and wealth caused …show more content…

Her American Dream was to gain “new money” status by her charisma and by the way she dressed. As a citizen of the Valley of Ashes, which represents the lower working class, it would be very difficult for Myrtle Wilson to pursue her wealthy lifestyle. Myrtle Wilson is the epitome of the desire to become part of the wealthy class. Myrtle’s personality shows how her selfishness and desire for money. Myrtle states, “The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in, and never even told me about it, and the man came after it one day he was out” (Fitzgerald 35). This reveals that Myrtle was just disappointed when she discovered that George, her husband, does not have the amount of wealth Myrtle desired. Another way Myrtle tried to fake her status was by the way she dressed. A description of her states, “Mrs. Wilson had changed her costume some time before, and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon, which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room” (Fitzgerald 30). Before her little party in New York with Tom, she changes into this outfit to conceal her lower class status. She believes that she transformed into the new money lifestyle. In summary, Myrtle’s attempt to reach for her American Dream leads to her death and thus a corrupted American Dream.

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