Corrosion Essay

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Corrosion Audit


Corrosion is the electrochemical deterioration of a metal because of its chemical reaction with the surrounding environment. While new and better materials are continuously being developed, this progress is offset, in part, by a more aggressive operational environment. This problem is compounded by the fact that corrosion is a complex phenomenon. It can take many different forms and the resistance of materials to corrosion can drastically change with only a small environmental change.

Corrosion is most often thought of as a slow process of material deterioration, taking place over a significant period of time (examples being general corrosion, pitting, exfoliation, etc.). Other forms of corrosion …show more content…

Galvanized iron: CI is more resistant to corrosion in soil and water environment as compared to GI. But CI cannot be threaded much frequently, as it will corrode very fast near the threads and thus will lead to breakage and leakage. So CI is used only, where long pipes are needed. For small length pipes, like those in houses, GI is the better option. Thus CI is majority used for pipelines for water supply, and GI is also used where small length pipes are needed.


In most of the cases corrosion is recognized by visual inspection.
 Steel:
Corrosion of steel is easily recognized because the corrosion product is red rust.
 RCC:
RCC(Reinforced Concrete Council) is used in all the building constructions. There are always voids present in the structure. In these voids moisture will collect and will lead to corrosion. But this corrosion is usually not spotted out till 10-15 years. It is noticed when after 10-15 years cracks appear on the surface.
 Electric power supply pillars:
The power pillars get corroded very soon in top region, where two different metals are joined. In some cases inspection can not be done on regular intervals, e.g. underground pipelines.


There can be many reasons of corrosion. In different systems there can be different mechanism of corrosion.
 Iron based …show more content…

But the RH is very high which lead to the corrosion problems. So prevention must be provided at all the corrosion prone sites. All the metal bodies exposed to air must be painted at least once in two years. The pipelines must be made up of CI, coated with protective layer and surrounded by sand. Except this the pipelines in the laboratories must be made up of PVC, as concentration of acids t, salts etc may be high there. And insulator must be applied in electric power supply pillars to prevent any stray currents and also to prevent galvanic corrosion at the point of contact of two different

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