Corporate Veil Essay

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there are variables that take place at a macro scale that no average business man has any place trying to dictate. Things don't work the same at a macro level as they do at a micro level, even if you're an international oil giant you don't even hold a candle to the economy of the U.S. at large, and all the potentially destructive roads that it can go down. Pure libertarian ideals work at a smaller scale but they've been shown in multiple instances to cause massive inequality and instability in money markets. An overpowered government is dangerous, but a corporation that is allowed to operate with impunity with no incentive for social good (for which of course no profit can be derived i.e. helping a hopelessly poor person gain financial mobility through schooling or allowing them to receive medical care without strapping them down with crippling debt and destroying their credit, creating a vicious cycle and, morals aside, …show more content…

This promotes sustainable business practices and prevents debt bubbles that cause financial collapse. While om paper businesses in a free market are supposed to act in their own best interests, in American corporations, the corporate veil creates huge potential for fraudulent practices, the most notable being that major players, directors, and CEO's aren't obligated to make the most money for shareholders, they're obligated to make the most money for shareholders during that specific year, with no real incentive to worry what happens five to ten years down the road when they and the current board of directors have sold their stock and waved goodbye to a company that has plummetted, gone bankrupt from the millions in loans that they knew the company could never pay off, and left outsider middle class shareholders and employees to

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