Core Evaluation Essay: Cornerstone Speech

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Core Evaluation Essay: “Cornerstone Speech”
The Cornerstone speech was made by Alexander Stephens, the vice president of confederacy on March 21, 1861. To Alexander Stephens the blacks and the slaves were not equal to the whites but could have rights like education and marriage. The whole speech was over the North and South wanting separation because the disagreement over the North wanting the blacks to have equal rights meaning take away slavery. Abraham Lincoln who was the president around the time of the speech was for the North and Alexander Stephens the vice president of the confederate was for the South. The North were trying to enforce the constitution and equal rights for the slaves, while the South wanted to succeeded from the North and to become the Confederate States of America. In the cornerstone speech, Stephens explains his views on the North and South states with the main focus on equal rights of slaves and gives his opinion on what to do if changes are not made.
Alexander Stephens point of view from the cornerstone speech was he believed in slavery and that the blacks were not equal to the whites which means they should not have equal rights, but he did strongly believe in everyone having …show more content…

As many southerners explained including Stephens, is that “Slavery thus defined the South” that created “and any attempt to lure the errant slave states back into the union required unprecedented negotiating skills and a willingness to compromise” (Goldfield399). Stephens explained that if the North and South could not agree then that they need to be appointed to the head of congress and let them decide the decision on what needs to be done. The cornerstone speech was made by Alexander Stephens to explain his views on the North and South with the main focus on slavery and their rights as

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