Coral Reef Essay

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Coral reefs are one of the main sources of oxygen on the planet, and they produce half of the oxygen in the whole world. Corals are photosynthesizing organisms, meaning they use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Without coral reefs, oxygen would be limited and humans could not survive on this planet for very long.
Coral reefs are always found underwater, and they primarily thrive in areas near the equator. They require temperatures between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius, and they depend on sunlight, marine animals and other coral reefs around them to survive. Therefore, the coral reefs exist in only one zone of the ocean, the euphotic zone, also known as the sunlight zone. This is the only zone of the ocean where organisms like corals are able to photosynthesize.
Rainforests are often compared to the coral reefs, and the two habitats do indeed share a variety of similarities. The main equivalence of the two is that they are both home to a lot of plants that go through photosynthesis. Other similarities between rainforest and coral reefs include that they both contain an expansive variety of the living creatures on this planet and that they are both endangered due to human actions, and they can only be saved when we all start taking responsibility for the one and only planet we can thrive on.

The coral reefs on our planet are sorted into three categories; the fringing reefs, the barrier reefs and the atolls. A fringing reef is a reef that grows directly from the shore and towards the sea with no water between the sand and the reef at all. These reefs create borders around islands and shores, and boats often destroy them because they are in the shore’s way. Barrier reefs border shorelines a...

... middle of paper ..., disposing litter properly and much, much more. Cutting down on CO2 emissions causes the climate change and ocean acidification to be reduced. Planting trees, especially mangrove trees, close to the ocean or a river can also help the coral reefs. The mangrove trees absorb water, causing less siltation to happen. Trees also convert carbon dioxide (which causes climate change and ocean acidification) into oxygen, which we need to breathe in. You can also improve the current state of coral reefs by picking up any trash you see lying on the ground or in the ocean. It may not belong to you, but picking it up may save a fish or coral’s life. Spreading awareness to other people also has a significant, positive effect on the coral reefs, since more and more people then start doing all the things listed above, and a lot of small actions are just as good as one big action.

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