Coral Reef Destruction

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Coral reefs are well known for their colorful array of marvelous sights including a parade of exotic flora and fauna. They are said to be the foundation for a quarter of marine species, and are a crucial support for human life as well. The coral reef ecosystem is a diverse collection of species (ranging from microscopic to larger-than-life in size) that interact with each other and their physical environment. If any piece of a coral reef is harmed or removed the entire community can be seriously affected, even to the point of collapse. Unfortunately, human impact has resulted in long-term stresses that, unlike the short-term stress of natural disasters, coral reefs are not as capable to recover from. “Approximately half of the world’s coral reef ecosystem resources are considered by scientists to be in 'poor' or 'fair' condition and have declined over time due to several anthropogenic threats” (“Status of Corals” par. 2). Through poorly administered commercial practices, carelessness and ignorance among the common people, and human aggravated natural processes coral reef destruction has become a serious issue afflicting the world’s biodiversity and it’s intricate biosphere mechanics (“Human Impact on the Great Barrier Reef” 1) (“What Are Coral Reefs?” 1). The Great Barrier Reef is an exemplary model of the famous exotic coral reef seen in a copy of the National Geographic or the popular animated film Finding Nemo. Located on the coast of Australia, it is known as the “largest biological organism in the world” (“Human Impact on the Great Barrier Reef” par. 1). The idea bears that coral reefs are again not an assortment of organisms functioning separately but rather working together to thrive. The groups of coral that are seen in t... ... middle of paper ...” Web. 13 Nov. 2013. “Exploitive Fishing.” “Coral Reef Alliance.” Web. 14 Nov. 2013. “Fishing problems: Destructive fishing practices.” “WWF Global.” Web. 13 Nov. 2013. “Human Impact on the Great Barrier Reef.” “University of Michigan.” Web. 12 Nov. 2013. “Importance of Coral Reefs.” “The Nature Conservancy.” Web. 13 Nov. 2013. “Marine problems: Pollution.” “WWF Global.” Web. 13 Nov. 2013. “Species of the Reef.” “New Horizon: Sea & Dive Adventures.” Web. 13 Nov. 2013. “What Are Coral Reefs?” “US EPA.” Web. 12 Nov. 2013.

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