Copyleft and Cory Doctorow

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I value people that aren't afraid to fall on their face. I look up to those who take smart, legendary risks and that is why Cory Doctorow is my hero (see picture in appendix). He hasn't saved lives, discovered anything special or overcame anything, it is because he did something radically different with his writing talent. He is a science fiction writer and avid blogger. According to his web site, Doctorow has written five novels and won many awards. His young adult story, Little Brother was nominated for the 2008 Hugo, Nebula, Sunburst and Locus Awards. It won the Ontario Library White Pine Award, the Prometheus Award as well as the Indienet Award (Doctorow). He has been featured in Wired, Popular Science, Make, New York Times, and many other newspapers, magazines and websites. The blog he co-edits; Boing Boing is "A Directory of Wonderful Things" and reports on things like Amazon's poor e-book system and other "wonderful" things (Doctorow - Boing Boing). In addition to his writing Cory Doctorow, is a copyleft activist. Copyleft is the general term for a license that requires the work created to be given away for free, and says derivative work must be licensed similarly. (See watermark)

Instead of copyrighting his work and hoping to sell books, he gives his work away for free. This not only helps spread the popularity of his work. It creates a whole new option to help new and existing writers share their content with others in the mosh pit that is the internet. If you are an independent artist and want to increase the popularity of your work, I suggest you follow in the steps of Cory Doctorow. I believe with his voice and copyleft licenses he has and will continue to change the way our books, movies, music and other content is ...

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... View Reference Center. 2009. Web. <>. - Retrieved from the Briarcliff Manor Middle School Library Media Center

Piatt, Mickie. "Copyright." World Book Online. Student. World Book, Web. . - Retrieved from the Briarcliff Manor Middle School Library Media Center

"Source - Brad Sucks." Brad Sucks. 18 Sep 2008. Web. 21 Jan 2010. .

"The Revolution Will Be Animated." Vimeo. Web. 23 Jan 2010. .

"What is Copyleft?." GNU Project - FSF. Free Software Foundation, Web. 20 Jan 2010.

"Who Uses CC? - Creative Commons." Creative Commons. Creative Commons, Web. 18 Jan 2010. .

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