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Advantages and disadvantages of continuous professional development
Advantages and disadvantages of continuous professional development
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This essay will discuss and justify the importance of continuing professional development by healthcare professionals. As well as elaborating on how this practice significantly benefits and assists in delivering person-centered care. What will firstly be established is what continuing professional development is, the vital components involved and its overall importance. Followed by a detailed evaluation of what person-centered care is and why it matters in the healthcare setting. Finally, an explanation on how continuing professional development comes together with and assists person-centred care and the benefits that emerge from this.
Continuing professional development can directly relate to the practical skills and knowledge in a healthcare
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Its main purposes include that of maintaining skills, knowledge, adequacies, and competence. Continuing professional development and competence are skills closely associated with another. Competence refers to the ability to successfully perform duties, make correct judgments and appropriately interact with colleagues and patients. A professional’s competence can essentially be characterized by their decision-making abilities, problem-solving skills, their knowledge base and their overall ability to apply this knowledge in a variety of patient situations (Gray, Rowe, & Barnes, 2014). Continuing professional development’s importance should not be underestimated by healthcare workers. As it ensures they maintain and enhance their skills and knowledge needed so they can deliver a high-quality service that safeguards people and meets their expectations and requirements. As well as keeping their knowledge relevant and up to date, due to the frequent changes constantly occurring in healthcare. Continuing professional development also helps workers make a significant contribution to the team and essentially become more effective …show more content…
Advancing, their body of knowledge helps keep them updated with all that is required to make a meaningful and helpful contribution to their patient. At its core, a continuing professional development system will embody ethical commitments to guarantee the health and safety of a patient. It shows great promise in equipping clinicians with powerful tools to better communicate with patients whilst enhancing their ability to advocate wellness and recovery. Improving communication is one of the most important components of continuing professional development. It is the cornerstone of health care workers interactions with people. An effective exchange between people will assist in the worker understanding more about how the patient feels. As well as how to best go about solving their situation (Groves.W, 2014). Continuing professional development will also enable and allow health care workers to easily keep well informed and updated on the evolving evidence base relating to their patient’s diverse values, preferences, backgrounds, and their well-being. With health care workers actively participating and incorporating new practices improvements will thus be made in person-centered care. Specifically, positive changes will be seen in that of the patient’s safety and the overall effective and suitable
The arguments presented in this essay take a strong stance in agreement with the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) as well as the guidelines to practice offered by The Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) therefore any matters that are discussed are in conformit...
As a nurse we are responsible for the safety and overall health promotion of our patients. Competency in the nursing field is what ensures patient safety and decreased hospital acquired injury. Continued competence ensures that the nurse is able to perform efficiently and safely in a constantly changing environment. Nurses must continuously evaluate their level of skill and find where improvement needs to be made in order to keep up to date with the expected skill level set by their
Nurses are able to reflect upon their past experiences of work and build and improve this ensuring their level of competence and skills is in line with NMC guidelines. Improving the quality of care provided to patients is an ongoing process and requires practitioners to contently reflect and improve their practice. (Howatson-Jones, 2013) One way in which reflection can improve the quality of care is through the use of professional supervision, as stated by (Daly, Speedy and Jackson, 2014) a focus for supervision should be enhancing a nurse’s skills and ability to reflect on practice. It should reflect on the standard of care provided and highlight areas for improvement such as further training. This, in turn, leads to a greater self-awareness of practitioners’ own abilities. The process is not about finding faults, but to improve and learn to ensure the quality of care is high and professional for all patients. Being self-aware is a skill important to reflection and the provision of quality of
As part of this essay I will focusing on the importance of patient safety and care, maintaining professionalism, reflection of environment and rules and legislation related to the health care body. The reflection of working on the environment will be demonstrated by a personal development profile (PDP).
Senior nursing students will complete a QSEN weekly clinical journal requirement learn how to self-assess their progress toward demonstrating these nationally-based competencies. The students will select a different competency each week to address and discuss how they applied that competency to patient care or how they hope to better achieve that competency as a graduate nurse. By the end of the clinical rotation each student will have had a chance to focus on each of the six QSEN competencies: patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety and informatics. The students’ reflection on their clinical experiences each week will teach them how to integrate the core competencies required before graduation. According to Use of self-evaluative practices puts the power back upon the student to direct and think critically about their learning (Dickensen, 2015). Demonstrating these competencies supports safety and excellence in clinical practice (QSEN,
To be deemed competent in skills according to nursing regulations and requirements. This is a challenging factor for many students, as they enter the transition period. This is due to students feeling they do not have the desired clinical competency that promotes the skills and abilities of a registered nurse (Harsin, Soroor & Soodabeh, 2012). Clinical research studies have found that students do have the required expected levels of knowledge, attitude and behaviour’s. However, the range of practical skills aren’t sufficient for the range of practice settings (Evans, 2008).
Parse, R. R., Bournes, D. A., Barrett, E. A. M., Malinski, V. M., & Phillips, J. R. (1999). A better way: 10 things health professionals can do to move toward a more personal and meaningful system. On Call, 2 (8), 14-17.
In the article “Time to learn: Understanding patient-centered care,” Rinchen Pelzang clarifies not only what patient-centered care means but what it looks like when implemented. These clarifications are necessary because although most healthcare setting advocate patient-centered care, with no clear definition. Pelzang mentions this as one of the most prominent barriers to PCC, the misinterpretation of the concept. In order to combat this barrier proper education and emphasis on communication are needed. When this isn’t the case, “the failure to recognize nurse-patient communication as an essential component of nursing care is the greatest barrier to effective communication” (Pelzang, 2010). Collaborative care and
According to the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC) continuing professional development is defined as “the way professionals continue to learn and develop throughout their careers so they keep their skills and knowledge up to date and are able to work safely, legally and effectively.” (HCPC, 2012). Continuing professional development (CPD) is an important factor of health care professionals work and practice as it ensures that they are up to date with relevant policies and procedures, that their quality of work is of a high degree and also to benefit the service users.
The relationship between the person seeking help and the nurse/counsellor should be appropriate for producing therapeutic change, to ensure that the patient maximizes from the therapeutic relationship. The health care provider should ensure that they communicate effectively to the patient/client. The skills explained in the above essay are the relevant skills that nurses in the contemporary hospital environment should adhere to and respect.
Continued Professional Development is now an important part of ongoing registration with the NMC and is essential in maintaining professional standards. In order to revalidate, nurses must write 5 reflective accounts within a 3 year period and each reflective account must explain what the nurse has learnt from the CPD activity and explain how it relates to the Code of Conduct and in particular the 4 themes of Prioritising People, Practicing Effectively, Preserving Safety and Promoting Professionalism and Trust.. Nurses also have to discuss the written reflective accounts with another NMC registered nurse coving the 5 reflective accounts Section 9.2 of the NMC code of conduct asks nurses to “gather and reflect on feedback from a variety of sources, using it to improve your practice and performance” (NMC, 2015) This is why the NMC promotes reflective practice as it ensures the nurse is practicing within their competency and in a safe manner while identifying any areas for improvement in their practice Reflective practice also makes the nurses more accountable for their actions.. (NMC, 2015) Reflective writing is an important feature of professional practice. Nurses have to keep a record of their continued professional development. At annual reviews nurses are able to present evidence of their development through a portfolio which should contain reflective accounts of their practice. These reflective accounts will help them identify strengths and weaknesses, highlight their performance, improve their skills and highlight any area that could be
My most valuable work with patients is to listen and learn from each one, and let them determine their goals. The person in person-centered in care is more of an expert in what’s best for them than I am. As shocking as this fact was to me, it’s been liberating to let go of having to know everything about a patient that I just met. As a result of my experience with my therapy patients, person-centered care has now become the foundation of my practice.
Continuous professional development is very much part of the process of lifelong learning as it is a range of activities related to learning through which health care professionals maintain their ability to practice safely and effectively within legal boundaries. (Health and Care Professions Council, 2014 p.6).The key consideration regarding the concept of lifelong learning is that there are a multitude of definitions of lifelong learning however the concept of lifelong learning has universal connotations of learning and evolving which are essential in nursing because of the constant changes occurring in health care
Continuing professional development is important for the individual because it ensures they continue to be knowledgeable
...ting the continuous professional development programs should be aware of every detail of the lessons they deliver so that continuous professional development can serve its purpose.