Consumer Motivation

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Executive summary

The purpose of this report is to identify the ways in which consumer motivation and personality can influence individuals into buying a Souda Bubble Chandelier which is made up of recycled materials and partly earned revenue will be donated to charity. The consumer that has been profiled is a 20 year old male student who studying in Monash University.

Motivation plays an important part in influencing an individual into purchasing a certain product. Therefore, arousals of motives which consist of physiological arousal, emotional arousal, cognitive arousal and environmental arousal are discussed in this report. In this case, whether or not the profiled consumer is motivated to purchase the chandelier, cognitive and environmental arousal is to be analysed in this report. Moreover, these arousals that are going to be discussed are not enough to show whether a consumer is motivated to purchase an item. Therefore, rational and emotional motives also play an important role in motivating consumer into buying this particular chandelier. These arousals and motives that motivates consumer to purchase the chandelier are then further discussed in this report.

Personality traits could also influence the consumer preference and purchase intention in respect to the selected product, numbers of questionnaires which consist of need for uniqueness (NFU), need for cognition (NFC), consumer ethnocentrism (CETSCALE), consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (CSII) and consumer innovativeness are given to the profiled consumer to identify his personalities. The two personality traits which are most likely to influence the profiled consumer into buying the product is (CSII) and (NFC) are selected and will also be dis...

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