Constantin Stanislavski Research Paper

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Constantin Stanislavski was a Russian actor and theatre director. He was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1863. Stanislavski began acting at the age of 14, joining the family drama group such as circus, the ballet, and puppetry. He developed theatrical skills over time, performing with other acting groups while working in his family business of manufacturing. In 1885, he gave himself the stage name of “Stanislavski.” Three years later, in 1888, Stanislavski founded the Society of Art and Literature – “In which he performed and directed productions for almost a decade” (“Constantin Stanislavski,” n.d). In 1897, he and playwright/director Nemirovich- Danchenko decided to open the Moscow Art Theatre. The company successfully opened in 1898 with the …show more content…

Stanislavski spent his later years focusing on his writing, directing, and teaching. He died on August 7, 1938 (“Constantin Stanislavski,” n.d). Throughout his life, Stanislavski treated theatre-creating as a serious endeavor requiring dedication and discipline. He subjected his own acting to a process of rigorous artistic self-analysis and reflection. Stanislavski wrote several works, including An Actor Prepares, An Actor’s Work on a Role, and an autobiography, My Life in Art. Stanislavski was considered to be one of the greatest and most influential of modern theatre …show more content…

Stanislavski deeply believed that an actor needed to inhabit an authentic emotion while they are on the stage. In order to do so, an actor could draw upon an experience they have experienced in their own lives. Stanislavski developed exercises, or techniques, to encourage the actors to explore the character motivations, giving the performances depth and naturalism while paying attention the parameters. Hence, giving the name “Stanislavsky’s method,” or “the Method acting.” It focuses mainly on helping an actor recall emotions needed for a role. Method acting is how Stanislavski’s work was interpreted by others. The Method acting is different to the system. In order to create a character using the method acting, one needs to gather the basic information regarding about their character portraying: • What is your character’s name? • How old is your character? • What is their situation in the play and in relation to other characters? (“Naturalism and Stanislavski,” n.d) Method acting techniques/exercises: Emotion Memory: acting technique in which the performer summons up the memory of a particular emotional experience and transfers it to the emotional life of the character he or she portrays. It is used to help the actors’ show the real emotion when acting opposed to fake or over-exaggerated emotions. Physical Actions: release

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