Congressional Gridlock

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Congressional gridlock is when nothing is being accomplished by congress. One of the major causes for this is a lack of compromise from both parties of congress. There is no give or take from either side of congress. Most issues have two totally different views or sides taken by each party. Each view is an opinion on the subject, and usually people do not realize that there are no right or wrongs in opinion, that is why we call them opinions. People need to learn to agree to disagree with people and respect other opinions. Having respect for others and their opinions allows us to see their side of things. Having the ability to see the other side does not mean you agree with them, it shows the ability to see other sides of the argument and get …show more content…

This issue causes congressional gridlock, because they are unable to agree on how to solve the issue on immigration. If the democratic party had not changed their views on immigration there would not be an issue today. Republicans have the same view as the democrats in 2008. Since democrats have changed their views on the issue to wanting everyone to be able to come to America it will be very difficult to satisfy everyone. Researching congressional gridlock uncovered more information than intended, especially on immigration. Having a hate relationship between the two parties makes compromise strenuous. Congress cannot solve the issue at hand if neither party is willing to give and take on their stances. Congressional gridlock occurs because of both parties refusing to respect the other. Republicans and democrats are both hard-headed and refuse to discuss issues and truly listen to the other party’s side. With both gun control and immigration, if we as a nation just enforce the laws we already have for these issues they may no longer be issues for our country. Since we have these two different parties for two different views on issues it is okay not to agree with each other, but because we are unable to respect each other views we are unable to reach a compromise to get out of congressional

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