Conflicts In The Kite Runner

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When the book began, it started with two small children that were best friends, Amir, hassan, and his father and his friend, Baba, and Rahim Khan but then quickly escalated with all of the future events happening throughout the book which leads Amir to regret and sadness throughout the book. Amir’s conflict with his decisions of not helping Hassan, being too harsh on himself, also pushing to get his father’s praise, this teaches the reader the significance of dealing with the problems through Amir losing Hassan, Rahim Khan, not feeling like he can win his father over. There are many conflicts with Amir such as, him craving his father's attention and his father's approval, the problems he faced with Hassan such as, letting him take the blame …show more content…

Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years” (Hosseini 1-2). What this quote is saying is that not only can someone bury their past but doing that doesn’t fix the problems from it, because sooner or later the problems will again emerge from where they were once buried and have to be dealt with again. “Forgive your father if you can. Forgive me if you wish. But most important, forgive yourself” (Hosseini 301). What Rahim Khan realizes that Amir has never stopped feeling guilty for standing by as Hassan was attacked. He also realizes that Amir is angry with his father for lying about being treated differently from Hassan and that Amir is likely to be angry at Rahim Khan for having revealed the truth of Hassan's birth. However, Rahim Khan knows that Amir is never going to find peace unless he manages to forgive. “It hurts to say that. But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie” (Hosseini 58). When Amir is saying this it shows he is understanding the importance of telling the truth and going back to his past to heal the problems that occurred rather than believing in a lie that will stay with you and give regret and sorrow.
In conclusion the lesson to be learned from the kite runner is that, a person should never live with regret and

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