Conflict In Treasure Island

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In my opinion the conflict of Treasure Island is problems with trusting eachother, and being trusted. For example noone ever trusted silver even his mutaneers didn't have full trust in him. That is because he did things in the past to brake the trust between him and the men. Before the whole apple barrel incedent Jim loved Silver, they were best freinds! But once silver started the mutany none of the men could ever trust him again. Jim Hawkins was very trustworthy, and everyone knew it too! When he was a captive Long John Silver let him go and talk to the doctor alone. Dr. Livesey tried to perswade Jim to run into the woods and escape while he can, But jim told him no because it wasn't honest. In this situation Jim prooved to Silver that …show more content…

Or when they hiked up to where the treausure was burried, and they found it emty. They blamed Silver for all the missing tresure, and even tried to kill him and Jim because of it. If the mutaneers would have had at least a little more trust in silver, and believed that he would not have taken all the treasure for himself then all the fighting would not have occured. When Jim cut loose the ship, and later found Hands and another dead mutaneer he nursed Hands back to life. At first Jim trusted that Hands wouldn't hurt him. But careful and sneaky as he was, he saw Hands slip a knife into his vest. Although if Hands would've trusted that Jim would help and take care of him, then he probably wouldn't have tried to kill him. In this case Jim trusted him, but was still carefull. Jim Hawkins was obviously the most trustworthy and honest of all the characters in the book. Just imagine if they were all as loyal and good as Jim, there would not even be a conflict! Now most of the time it was smart not to trust them, because they have done things in the past to make them not worthy of being trusted. that is the other big part of the conflict. But if there wasn't a conflict, then it would be a perfect world and that isn't exciting. So there is always something to learn from the conflict of a book, or

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