Concussions In Sports

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Within the past year, the NFL has finally acknowledged for the first time the link between football and CTE after denying it for years; and getting hit with countless lawsuits from former players that filed for personal injuries lawsuit and compensation claims. So what happens now if a player sustains a brain injury that could be career-ending or life-threatening? Before diving into the concussion protocol methods, it’s important to address the myth circulating around the NFL when it comes to concussions. A common belief for many years now has been after a player sustains a hit to the head, the brain will bounce around the skull for a few seconds, leaving bruises only on the outer surface – or gray matter – thanks to the protective gear athletes wear. According to Ohio University, scientists along with other researchers have teamed up to prove this theory wrong. Yes, there are some movements within the skull, but the real damage, however, occurs deep within the brain – in the white matter. To put it a different perspective, think of someone shaking Jello around in a bowl. When Jello is shaken repeatedly, for instance, it stretches apart. This is essentially what happens to the brain after taking a blow to the head – the wires that connect your brain to your body are left damaged. …show more content…

Since every head injury is different, each player must be treated individually. In most cases, however, the player either doesn’t know they’ve suffered a concussion or simply doesn’t report it to officials, which doesn’t help in the long

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