Concepts that Illustrate the Founding Principles of America

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There are several instituting concepts that for me illustrate the founding principles of America and the hopeful vision of the future of this country. There are those that stood out for me during my research for this assignment and resonated with my feelings and understanding of the country at large. First and foremost is Life Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness; this sentiment is to me the very cornerstone of the hope of America’s inception. Given this principles self explanatory nature I will concentrate on the other founding concepts that have meaning to me. First of these would be the thought of benefiting from one’s own hard work, second is the inalienable rights of man, and lastly the concept of the least possible government being the best.

This first principal I would like to discuss is that of benefiting from one’s own hard work. This in particular for me embodies the spirit with which this country was founded, the people of the colonies were tired of the subjugation that took place under British rule, the taxes imposed, and the taking of their property for use by the crown. This was the underlying sentiment for freedom in my eyes; people just wanted the opportunity to better their own lives through the effort they put forth. I chose this as my first principle because it seems to be infringed upon more and more in this country today. The idea of the founders was that we keep most of what we earn through our own hard work with a small amount going to the common good. Some examples of this common good would be that of roads, law enforcement, schools etc. Today’s government has expanded these ideas to the point where a large percentage of people today give more than 50% of their annual income to some form of tax. This de...

... middle of paper ... yourself and station in life, having Inalienable rights which are basic God given rights of men commonly understood by all, and the least possible government being obviously the best option for a free nation. I hope that I was able to effectively express these three founding principles and how I feel they contributed to the founders’ vision and hope for America. Though I personally believe these principles are being threatened in America today they are also part of what makes this country the greatest in the world. Giving free people the opportunity to flourish by their own ideas and work, allowing them the protection of common sense law, and not stifling the growth, desire, or hope of this nation through an excess of democracy is in essence the most profound hope of our fore fathers and those that sacrificed to build this country to what it is a beacon of hope.

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