Computer Programming Language Essay

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Literature Review For
Computer Programming Languages

Capability to hold and access complex systems of communication , It calls the language .Both animal and plants are communicate with each other . Humans aren’t including this . they use symbolic languages . we describe symbols as sound or things that we can get meaning full information . we use language to say our emotions , thoughts , feelings with others to procure our needs . But in this literature we discuss about the computer programming languages .
What is a computer programming language ?
As we describe a programming language is a formal constructed language designed to exchange instructions with machines. particular to computers , we can use programming languages to create programs to control the behavior of computer or express algorithms . we use programming languages to behave external computer components such as printers , scanners etc. since the past many of programming languages had been creating mainly in the computer field and most of them have been creating every year .
Why do we use computers & programming languages ?
We use programming languages to describe to computer how to do …show more content…

because computer helps to people solve their problems immediately and accurately . therefore usage of computer was increased . so that people want to learn many of things about computers . in that reason we want a simple way to communicate with computers .then they made many of programming languages to create programs for computers . in the arrival of new programming languages the era was changed to a computerlized era . people have been creating various software programs to communicate with computers .they very usefull for people to fulfill their needs immediately and accurately. Then people can rest their time for another work .the won’t waste their time . this is the result of arrival the programming languages

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