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Importance of computer education
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Recommended: Importance of computer education
How could you be reading this paper right now without programs like Windows and Word that this was made on? Technology has become an important part of our everyday lives, meaning the people who program it have important jobs. In order to become and remain a computer programmer, a student should go to college to get a degree.
Computer programming is a difficult yet rewarding career. Programmers use different programming languages in their day-to-day lives; similar to foreign languages they are similar in some ways but different in others. Three languages commonly used by computer programmers are Visual Basic, C++, and Java (“Major: Computer Programming, General”). Other languages include SQL, HTML, and .NET (“Interview Questions”). Programming can even be done as a hobby instead of a career (Reeves and Kent). People can release their work as open-source software; many of these open-source software such as Apache HTTPD, WordPress, and PHP run millions of websites across the world. Programming is a “love it or hate it” occupation (Reeves and Kent). A programmer has to have passion for programming in order to be successful; one cannot simply choose programming as a job unless they truly enjoy it. Programmers enjoy their jobs because the career involves problem solving, critical thinking, and programmers know that they are helping others with their programs (“Interview Questions”). Even if they do not receive compensation of their work, seeing one’s software installed on a new website is very satisfying. If a programmer loves their job, it can be the best job in the world.
On the other hand, programming can be a very stressful occupation. Many times this stress comes from users who know little about programming (“Interview...
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...everal years of experience such as an internship (“Occupational Details for Computer Programmers”). Computer programming is an occupation that will continue to grow (“Interview Questions”). As opposed to other occupations which may become irrelevant, computers will always be needed, and unless computers could program themselves, we need humans to change them from a heap of metal that has potential to something that actually helps us in our day-to-day lives (“Interview Questions”). The field of computer programming is growing, although slowly.
Although many think it boring, computer programming can be an exciting job for those who get the experience to find one. Those who program create the technology needed to power our lives. Look around you and think how boring life would be if the devices around you were simply scraps of metal that didn't actually do anything.
... be working hard and putting the time in. Computers are a great tool and have help build our world into what it is today. With every year that passes we as a human species grow more relying on computer technologies’. That is the biggest reason I have chosen to study computers and all the great tools computers offer us. I know there is a job in computer out there for me and for anyone else that is interested in the computer field.
“My little princess is growing up” said my mother with a smile after she dropped me off to my next journey to New York City. Sauntering along the streets of the “Big Apple” and learning computer science at Girls Who Code was a dream come true. I never imagined my parents letting me go to New York City alone. Walking on the busy streets alongside thousands of people was worth gaining exposure to computer science.
It then proceeds to examine the need for these skills in the real world and the need for these skills to be taught at university level. It starts by examining the general case of all students arriving in college for the first time and by the end gets to the particular needs of computer science students and others in the more practical disciplines.
There are also a lot of practical applications to just knowing how to program on its own. In modern times coding can be applied to phones, games, websites and more than just career fields. Programming, in the end, is all about the passion an individual has which makes it
Computer software engineers use the basics and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis to the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that enable computers to perform their many different tasks.
If the nineteenth century was an era of the Industrial revolution in Europe, I would say that computers and Information Technology have dominated since the twentieth century. The world today is a void without computers, be it healthcare, commerce or any other field, the industry won’t thrive without Information Technology and Computer Science. This ever-growing field of technology has aroused interest in me since my childhood. After my twelfth grade, the inherent ardor I held for Computer Science motivated me to do a bachelors degree in Information Technology. Programming and Math, a paragon of logic and reasoning, have always been my favorite subjects since childhood.
The computer has been one of man’s most influential inventions, paving the way for greater achievements with time. Today, computers have become an essential component in fulfilling everyday tasks in both our professional and personal lives. Computers are used to store vast amounts of information, and even replace humans in factories throughout the world. We must now ask ourselves, is this reliance on computers aiding the human mind in achieving its full potential or rather replacing it and hindering our progress? Society has now become dependant on computers. How does this machine affect our youth and learning process? We have invented a machine with a greater, and faster learning capacity as our own. A new generation has risen that have used computers for most of their lives so it is not surprising that they have become highly dependent on the computer. As of now, humans only use less than twenty percent of their brains, and with computers doing most of our work, this number is slowly decreasing.
Computer engineering is a very time consuming, challenging job. To be a good computer engineer you need years of experience and collage education. Computer engineers provide information and data processing for certain computer firms and organizations. They conduct research, design computers, and discover and use new principles and ideas of applying computers. I am going to tell you specific facts about the careers of computer engineers like payment, education needed, skills, responsibilities of the job, job outlook, and benefits of the job.
Choosing to do a research on a career can be a little easier to do when you have
The field of Computer Science is based primarily on computer programing. Programming is the writing of computer programs using letters and numbers to make "code". The average computer programer will write at least a million lines of code in his or her lifetime. But even more important than writting code, a good programer must be able to solve problems and think logicaly.
... things that software engineers need to learn, if you do not learn these things you will be at a disadvantage and be limited to what you are capable of. The rapid growth will open new jobs for the upcoming generations of software engineering. Software engineering is a hard but rewarding career, but in the end it helps others accomplish things that would not be possible 50 years ago.
Computer programming can be a gateway job to many other interesting jobs. Programmers work in a wide variety of industries (Career Cruising). Programming can lead to making software for hospitals, banks, or even schools. But a very popular job for programmers is being part of a game development team. Programming can also lead to working for big companies like Google or Yahoo.
When I was in middle school, I had totally no idea of what Computer Science is, but I was pretty proficient in using computers at that age. The only thing that I knew about Computer Science is that one of my aunts is in that field and that’s all, nor of my parents are in that major. Not until in High School that I got the sense of what programming is like. I was taught basic simple codings and I really enjoyed it and thought that the class was actually quite fun. But the class didn’t give me any sense of the important real-world applications of Computer Science. Not until recently as I am in the Computer Science major, I started to really have the real idea and to gain real passion for the field. Computer Science is not all about programming.
To begin with, let’s start off at why the computer was originally invented in the first place. The computer was invented to “Perform calculations, store information, retrieve data and process information.” (Sanders). The computer is still used for the same reasons today. As opposed to using it for counting the world’s population or for finding the distance between two stars like back then, the computer was slowly starting to be used in doctor’s offices to store files or in companies to run certain programs and to track their data better and be more organized. The first time the computer was introduced in education was in 1944 in Harvard “1994: First operational computer used at Harvard” (Shogren). Then in 1962 “Airlines begin to use a computerized reservation system.” (History). As the years started to go by, more computers were starting to be used, and in one place in particular, schools.
Choosing a career is very important in a person’s life. Over the past two decades, many professions have change significantly with the influx of technological developments. One needs to think about the things that interest them and what kind of lifestyle they want to have. Some things a person should think about are what qualifications are needed, what type of training is necessary, and the future need of the career they choose. Some other things to consider would be how much money they will make, what is the probability of advancement, and does the career satisfy their need for an enjoyable life.