Comparison and Contrast the Relationship between Man and Nature in Emerson and Thoreau

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Emerson had returned from Europe in 1833 and started writing his poem which emphasizes on the unity of all manifestations of nature, nature symbolism and development of all natures form towards the highest expression as embodied in man. According to him nature is both an expression of the divine and a means of understanding it. Not only that, Emerson, finds studying nature motivational and description-free and also he says ideas are real, whereas the material is nothing more than illusion. The goal of science is to provide a theory of nature, but men have not yet attend a truth of nature’s forms and phenomena.
He defines nature as everything separate from the inner individual. In other word nature also refers to the material world unchanged by man. Emerson describes true solitude is going out into nature and leaving behind all preoccupying activities as well as society. When a man gazes at the stares, he becomes aware of his own separateness from the material world. Unlike children, most adults have lost the ability to see the world in this way. In order to experience the presence of nature, we need to approach it with a balance between or inner and our outer senses. Nature is the part of man and even unwelcomed storm is capable of changing his mood. All aspects of nature correspond to some state of mind.
Though there is a special relationship between man and nature, but nature does not provide the pleasure that comes of perceiving this relationship. Such satisfaction is a product of a particular harmony between man’s inner processes and the outer world. The way we react to nature depends upon our state of mind in approaching it. According to Emerson, he treats the most basic uses of the nature is for heat, food, water, shelter ...

... middle of paper ... commerce, to politics, to the spread of industrialization and urbanization. He also believes that, climate does react on man, as there is something in the mountain, which is air, that feeds the spirits and inspires. Fishermen, hunters, woodchoppers and others spending their lives in the fields and woods as a part of nature are often in a more favorable mood for observing nature than those philosophers and poets, who approach nature with expectation. Not only that, Thoreau, repeatedly focused attention on the inward rather than outward nature of the journey. He also stated that by art, mankind is seeking to spread nature so as to proudly exhibit it.

Works Cited

Emerson, R.W. (1837). The American scholar. html

http://www.sparknotes.Emerson /Thoreau/html

Thoreau, H. D. (1854). Walden ;or, life in the woods.

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