In a distant world underground, two brothers fight for the control of delivering dreams to mortals. These two brothers are named Morpheus and Epiales, sons of Night and Sleep. Morpheus is known as being the god of dreams, and his brother Epiales claims the title as god of nightmares. Morpheus can be found in a section of the Underworld called the Land of Dreams, also known as Demos Oneiroi. While his brother makes his home in a sinister, distant cave bordering Hell. The two locations vary drastically; the Land of Dreams contains endless light and riches. On the other hand, Epiales lives in a cave filled with one's’ worst nightmares; including frightening monsters, death, and chilling skeletons. One thing worth mentioning is an advantage Epiales …show more content…
I am ordering you, Morpheus, to deliver an extraordinary dream to King Arthur. But not just any dream, give him a dream that will inspire him to combat in the upcoming war.” Morpheus accepted the task, “Thank you for trusting me, I will not fail …show more content…
I will give King Arthur a nightmare that he will never forget,” Epiales threatened. “ I will not let you sabotage the mission Zeus has given me. King Arthur is far more important than any mortal that has received dreams from me before. Now go back to your cave, there will be many more opportunities to deliver nightmares,” Morpheus fought back. “Of course I will not allow you to get away this easily. First you will have to feel the wrath of my blood thirsty sons.” Suddenly the Dream Spirits darted towards Morpheus, while Epiales escaped and entered the first gate. Morpheus was left to fend for himself, which proved to be a difficult task for the Dream Spirits were vicious and strong. Morpheus’ determination motivated him to fight the demonic sons, until they fled. By now, Epiales was well on his way to the final gate; Morpheus had to act fast. Watching from afar, Zeus laughed at the brothers’ cruelty. Yet, he had faith in Morpheus to deliver the dream to King
For example, Dido fled Tyre and founded Carthage because of a dream. Her husband, Sychaeus, warned her that his brother Pygmalion became greedy and murdered him for the gold in the altar and was looking to kill her too. Helpfully, Sychaeus also informs Dido about the location of the treasure that she can use in her journey to escape Tyre and found a new colony. Her prior history of love and her distrust in other men was a prominent section of her personality before she met Aeneas, and their romantic relationship, caused by the scheming of Venus and Juno, demonstrates the futility of the efforts of men in the face of the power of gods and that the mortals are merely pawns in the great game of the gods. Another example of character development from dreams occurs at the beginning of Book 8 when Aeneas dreams of Tiberinus, the river god of the Tiber. The god first tells Aeneas about the future site of Alba, a city which his son Ascanius will found. Then, Tiberinus informs Aeneas about the Arcadians and their king Evander who continuously fights against the Latins, and recommends that he allies with them although they are Greek colonists. Thus, the relationship between Aeneas and Evander was initiated, which would become vital to the war effort between the Trojans and the Latins. In addition to this advice from Tiberinus, he prophesies about a white sow suckling thirty young piglets marking the site for Alba, Ascanius’ future city. Prophecies are a common theme in dreams in the Aeneid, and it also appears in Dido’s story and Aeneas’ vision of Hector. The involvement of the divine in dreams to advise characters is omnipresent throughout the Aeneid, and an example of that occurs in Book 3, when the Trojan colonists arrived on Crete, set up a new colony, but it started failing due to starvation and disease. During this failure, the penates appear to Aeneas and clarify
Two different poems regarding to Eros open with a call out to the god of Eros and long for an answer. Both poems begin with a description of Eros’s face that defines who is Eros in two different perspectives. Although the subject matter and the structure of the poem are similar between the two, the use of figurative speech, such as apostrophe and imagery, and rhyme completely changes the meaning. Bridges sets Eros as a distant god placed above humans, while Stevenson identifies a god as a slave bruised by human desires.
purpose; she flees from him. He then sees the souls of those who died in battle.
In Sophocles’ play, Oedipus, the King, there are various instances where Oedipus tries to escape his destiny—enlightenment—only to discover the truth that he cannot. Similarly, in Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” the prisoner travails to understand and adjust to his newly visited environment. In both works, the men first had to realize their ignorance before they could begin to acquire knowledge and true understanding of the complexities of the human condition. Specifically, in Oedipus, the King, it was Oedipus’ illusion of himself as a man unequaled in leadership whereas in “Allegory of the Cave” it was the prisoner’s initial refutations of enlightenment being shown him until he realizes its intellectual, spiritual, and social significance.
A Comparison of Aneas of Aeneid and Turnus of Iliad The subtlety in the differences between Aneas and Turnus, reflect the subtlety in the differences between the Aeneid and the Iliad. Although both characters are devout and noble, Aneas does not possess the ardent passion of Turnus. Unlike Turnus, Aneas is able to place his beliefs in the fated establishment of Latium before his personal interests. Although Turnus is not a bad person, the gods favor Aneas in their schemes.
The story of Orpheus and Eurydice is one that has been retold countless times over the years. It started as a Greek myth, later being made into a movie titled Black Orpheus. After reading the myth and watching the movie, it is easy to see that there are far more differences in the two works than similarities. These differences are not only in the way the story is told, but also in the organization of the events that take place and in the description of the characters. The main differences in these two versions of the myth are the role of the characters, the main plot scheme, and the journey into the underworld.
In many ways, judging and comparing Vigil’s Aeneid and Ovid’s Metamorphoses is inevitable because each of the writers lived at roughly the same time in history, both sought to create a historical work that would endure long past their mortal existences, and while each man was ultimately successful in their endeavors, they achieved their desired goals in vastly different ways. That being said, the epic poem by Ovid is superior because unlike Virgil, whose epic poem utilized a character centered narrative steeped in historical inferences and a theme that celebrated the moral virtues of Greek and Roman society, Ovid defied tradition by creating an intricate narrative that looked
A common definition of dreams according to “Patterns for College Writing” is “the symbolic representation of mental states”, but this sparse definition does not begin to encompass the complex mechanisms behind dreams and its effects on human culture around the globe. Dreams have long been the topics of folklore and urban legends. Since human beginnings, people have sought to uncover the origin of dreams. The ancient Greeks believed dreams came from the God Oneiroi. The Chinese believes that dreams happened when the hun or spirit leaves the body for the land of the dead. The Ishi Indians believed that dreams were sacred messages from the Gods. Yet even now, with the current technological and intellectual advancements, scientists and psychoanalysts have still to find the true reasons and meanings of these dreams. Some argue that dreams are the products of overactive subconscious minds while others argue that dreams are solely randomized emotions from the limbic system during sleep. Despite these contrasting theories, the truth of the matter is that the topic of dreams and the reasons behind them remain a mystery.
Both the Odyssey and the Aeneid represent their cultures very well, but they express different ideas on what one should strive for in life. There are also different forces that pushed both epics to be written. The Aeneid expresses the Roman idea of pietas which means to show extreme respect for one’s ancestors. We see this in Aeneas when he is pictured caring his father away from burning Troy. He has pietas because he cared so much for his father that in fleeing from Troy he took up his father over his shoulder to save his from certain death. This is not the only major idea in the Aeneid. There is also a very political focus. The Roman were very interested in politics which comes through in the Aeneid. The Odyssey has the Greek idea of arete trapped somewhere among the many themes. Arete is a strive for perfection in both mind and body. It is a much more personal and individual idea than the Roman pietas. In the most basic seance the Aeneid and the Romans have a much more political focus and duty to the state ( republic ) than the Greeks who honor tradition , family , and arete.
Having seen Macbeth's enthusiasm, I will take my cue from him. His letters have "transported me beyond this ignorant present". I nearly told a messenger who brought news of the King coming to stay, of my thoughts and for one moment, I reacted as though Macbeth were already King, and I Queen, I must be more careful in the future.
There has been much debate on who is the greatest hero of the ancient world. There has also been much dispute on which is the greatest epic poem of the ancient world. However, comparing The Aeneid to The Odyssey is entirely a difficult task itself. Odysseus' journeys, both physical and emotional, are essential in the overall work because it defines The Odyssey as an epic poem. Aeneas also shares a similar experience as Odysseus as well. Both stories are similar in countless ways because they both undergo comparable experiences on their travels and their life journeys. With that being said, they both demonstrated leadership in their own way. However, it is difficult to determine who the best leader actually is. Both men exhibit great leadership skills; therefore, causing a challenge for some in determining which the greater epic is. After analyzing both texts, it is possible to conclude that Aeneas is the better leader, but The Odyssey is the greater epic.
Oprah Winfrey once said, “The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.” But, what actually is a dream and what do dreams really have to do with one’s everyday life? In essence, a dream is a series of mental images and emotions occurring during slumber. Dreams can also deal with one’s personal aspirations, goals, ambitions, and even one’s emotions, such as love and hardship. However, dreams can also give rise to uneasy and terrible emotions; these dreams are essentially known as nightmares. In today’s society, the concept of dreaming and dreams, in general, has been featured in a variety of different mediums, such as literature, film and even music. While the mediums of film and music are both prime examples of this concept, the medium of literature, on the other hand, contains a much more diverse set of examples pertaining to dreams and dreaming. One key example is William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. While the portrayal of dreams, in general, plays a prominent role in Shakespeare’s play, the exploration of many aspects of nature, allows readers to believe that dreams are merely connected to somewhat unconventional occurrences.
COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE PORTRAYAL OF THE GODS IN VIRGIL'S AENEID AND OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. There is a significant difference in the treatment of the gods in the Aeneid and the Metamorphoses, even though both authors were writing in the epic tradition. Virgil wrote his Aeneid in the last ten years of his life, between 29BC and 19BC, after the Battle of Actium, in 31BC, which was significant, as it established Octavian as the sole emperor, Augustus, of Rome. The Aeneid is a celebration of Augustus' achievements and rejoices in the development of Rome. There is a great sense of political propaganda, as well as an historical element, as it illustrates the origins of the Roman people.
The legend of King Arthur has intrigued generations for over a thousand years. Over these years, this tapestry has been handed down through the hands of many gifted storytellers. Bits and pieces were taken out and replaced by new strands woven in to fabricate a slight variation of the original that’s suitable for the audience or perhaps the storyteller himself. These modifications are evident in the 1981 film of Excalibur and Thomas Malory’s “Le Morte d’Arthur” published in 1485. The film incorporates magical acts while religious allusions are portrayed in the text. There are several characters that appeared in one but not the other. The two versions have the same essential elements, but with some alterations. The main changes in the story plot are the events leading to the battle and the battle itself. The two versions have the same essential elements, but with some alterations.
IV. (Preview Main Points) Although we have experienced countless dreams in our lifetime, do we ever stop to think: how dreams occur? How dreams affect our lives? Do dreams even mean anything? Today in my informative speech about dreams, I hope to enlighten you about dreams forming in our minds, the importance of dreams, and lastly the interpretations of dreams.