Breakfast is always considered to be the most important meal of the day. By eating a nutritious breakfast, we can produce enough energy for better academic performance as well as a fresh mind. However, breakfast has huge differences between countries, such as China and America.
Chinese breakfast always begins with a cup of warm soybean milk. The soybean milk we have in China is slightly different from the soymilk served here, since the soybean milk is made from the freshly ground soy beans instead of the ready-to-eat soymilk powder. Chinese people believe that having something warm in the morning may keep you healthy for the whole day, so that is why we serve the soybean milk hot. We also have other hot beverages like red bean soup and green tea.
Then the major part of a well-balanced breakfast comes—the main dish. After warming up the stomach, people are prepared for the food which contains fats, proteins and nutrients that produce real energy. We usually have a bowl of rice porridge, or a soup-like sweet potato dish with steamed buns and a fried breadstick on the side. Most of t...
The majority of the population enjoys a breakfast from the comfort of his or her home. There are those that have no home and no idea where their next meal may
Chinese-Americans authors Amy Tan and Gish Jen have both grappled with the idea of mixed identity in America. For them, a generational problem develops over time, and cultural displacement occurs as family lines expand. While this is not the problem in and of itself, indeed, it is natural for current culture to gain foothold over distant culture, it serves as the backdrop for the disorientation that occurs between generations. In their novels, Tan and Jen pinpoint the cause of this unbalance in the active dismissal of Chinese mothers by their Chinese-American children.
Intuitive Eating Note: This breakfast is amazing but guess what? When I had an unhealthy relationship with food I would only let myself eat one type of food for breakfast: oatmeal. Oatmeal is delicious but day after day it becomes pretty bleak. If I had followed my previous rules I wouldn’t have ended up with this delightful, nutritious meal.
The typical diet of the average Japanese citizen is much healthier than that of an average American citizen. The Japanese diet is vastly different than the common western diet in terms of ingredients used, portion size, preparation, and relationship between its users and their food. While Americans commonly opt for unhealthy food high in calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium, many people of Japan benefit from their healthy choice of rice, fish, vegetables, and soy products. The Japanese style of preparing and serving food is also very intricate and deliberate, which encourages diners to truly appreciate their food, instead of rushing through each meal without much thought, as done in the United States. The typical Japanese diet offers its users increased immunity and can help prevent against some cancers, heart and cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes, among other illnessesi. The diet typically followed in the United States is grossly opposite in that many commonly consumed unhealthy foods have been determined to actually cause the same diseases that the Japanese diet works against, including but not limited to heart disease, some cancer, and diabetes.
Comparison of American and Chinese Cultures Cultural differences are apparent from one group of people to another. Culture is based on many things that are passed on from one generation to the next. Most of the time, people take for granted their language, beliefs, and values. When it comes to the cultural differences of people, there is no right or wrong. People should be aware of others culture and respect the differences that exist between them.
Education plays a dominant role in the lives of students all over the United States. Since most students spend roughly eight to twelve hours in school, it is important to make sure that they are provided with a healthy and nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack.
Food is traditionally considered as a simple means of subsistence but has developed to become filled with cultural, psychological, religious, and emotional significance. Consequently, food is currently used as a means of defining shared identities and symbolizes religious and group customs. In the early 17th and 18th centuries, this mere means of subsistence was considered as a class maker but developed to become a symbol of national identity in the 19th centuries. In the United States, food has been influenced by various cultures such as Native American, Latin America, and Asian cultures. Consequently, Americans have constantly Americanized the foods of different cultures to become American foods. The process on how Americans have Americanized different cultures’ foods and reasons for the Americanization is an important topic of discussion.
A defining trait of every country, whether it be Italy or India, is the type of cuisine that they serve. One of the best ways to gain an understanding of a country’s culture is through their food. While some people would deem other aspects of a culture as more important, it is a feature easiest to explain and relate to. A distinguishing fact is that food is both physical and mental in that its creation takes dedication and effort; food is able to create emotions given the proper setting. As cooking traditions evolved throughout the years, to fit people’s ever changing tastes, so does the culture. They are parallel to each other in that as one aspect of culture changes, so does the food and vice versa. Two of the most popular types of foods in society today are American food, and Chinese food. The typical features of how food is prepared and made, the tastes preferred, the utensils, and the beliefs about the food's properties are all reflections of the American and Chinese cultures.
Assurance for students and others concerned regarding the breakfast program mostly relies around the time consuming aspect of the program. An article in American Teacher stated that in many schools teachers expressed concerns about the logistics of the program, inc...
Breakfast is one of the best ways to recharge your batteries. It is a perfect time to boost your energy. Studies also suggest that eating a healthy breakfast improves brain function particularly memory and recall. This is essential for soaking up new knowledge and applying it later for a big test. Research shows that eating a healthy breakfast improves one academically. Scientists believe it may be because breakfast supplies nutrients to the nervous system to rev up brain power. Breakfast skippers tend to weigh more than those who eat breakfast regularly. Also, those who eat a morning meal tend to make healthier food choices throughout the day, which can positively impact weight and long-term health. Encourage eating breakfast daily at home or school and make it easy and
The benefits of good nutrition are important for everyone at home and at work. Good health begins with a good breakfast. People who have a morning meal are more likely to take in more vitamins and minerals, and much less fat and cholesterol. (WebMD, 2008) The effect is often a leaner body and less chance of overeating and going to the vending machine during work hours. Researchers at the 2003 American Heart Association conference reported that breakfast eaters have a lower chance of being obese and getting diabetes. Another study in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition concluded that people that eat breakfast cereal daily feel better both physically and mentally compared to the people who almost never ate cereal for breakfast. A Web MD article explains “To get the full benefits of breakfast, the Mayo Clinic recommends a meal with carbohydrates, protein, and a small amount of fat. They say that because no single food gives you all of the nutrients you need, eating a variety of foods is essential to good health.” Even if an employee does not have time to eat before work, because they are rushing to be on time or their morning consists of dealing with children, bringing a breakfast that they can eat as soon as they get to work would be a healthy habit to get into. Multi- tasking is possible when eating cereal, fruit and nuts at the same time as checking voicemail or emails. Good nutrition needs to continue throughout the day. Fruits and vegetables, healthy snacks, drinking water or tea to stay hydrated, and eating dairy products all add to well-balanced meals. For example, eating healthy dinners with fish two times a week can vastly improve a person’s well-being because fish has omega 3 fatty acids.
In Africa, breakfast is considered too important to be skipped. A light meal is usually consumed early in the morning. A breakfast meal consists
Every morning when I wake up the first thought in my mind is usually: FOOD! I often lie in bed for a few extra minutes, planning out what I am going to eat for breakfast. Seldom as I go through this routine do I stop to think about those who are less fortunate than me. I often take for granted that everyone wakes up and eats breakfast. But this is far from true, not everyone shares the luxuries that we have in the United States. Some people wake up and wonder if they will eat at all that day, let alone eat breakfast. Why? Because food, like many other things, is unequally distributed throughout the world.
Eating habits refers as what and how people eat, and our selection of food. Every human being have to eat food to survive, and food also produces immunity against disease. Every meal is organized mixtures of food items served at a certain time throughout the day. Most people are adjusted with the habit of eating three meals in a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). The first meals we eat is in the breakfast, in general breakfast consist of lighter food as compare to lunch and dinner. People believe that having a good breakfast will help you to increased concentration in your classroom or work. The second meals we have is in lunch, in general lunch consist of re-energizes your body. People believe that having a lunch can renew your energy and
According to the United States Census Bureau, there are approximately 250 million people in the United States. Having knowledge that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, 35-40 percent of Americans skip breakfast. Without breakfast, some people become less able to do physical work in the late morning hours and some students do not perform well in the classroom. When one skips breakfast, their body shuts down their metabolism in an attempt to preserve what it contains, which causes drowsiness. Since metabolism accounts for approximately 70 percent of the body’s energy expenditure, the consumption of a healthy first meal of the day is encouraged. There are many reasons why breakfast should be a part of people’s everyday diet, but some people just do not have time to eat breakfast.