Comparing and contrasting Not My Best Side and Warning Not my Best and

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Comparing and contrasting Not My Best Side and Warning Not my Best and

Warning are about stereotypes and how these poems go against that. In not

my best side the stereotype is that the three characters are meant to go

with their roles, good the knight...

Comparing and contrasting Not My Best Side and Warning

Not my Best and Warning are about stereotypes and how these poems go

against that. In not my best side the stereotype is that the three

characters are meant to go with their roles, good the knight, bad the

dragon and helpless the princess but don’t. In Warning the old woman

is going to go against society by wearing clothes, which do not go,

and buying items, which are useless.

Not my best side is about Uccellos painting of St George and the

Dragon the poet tried to put words to the people in it. The narrative

of this poem is it goes through all the people in the poem starting

with the dragon then the princess then the knight. First the Dragon

says how the artist did not let him pose properly and how he could not

draw anything apart from triangles as if he were mocking the artist.

Then he starts to mock his conqueror and his horse by saying it has a

deformed neck and square hoofs. Then starts to insult his victim by

Saying she is “Unattractive as to be inedible” which means he would

never eat something that ugly. After that he is a bit sarcastic by

saying “I would have liked more blood to show they where taking me

seriously” this means that he would have took more damage than that do

kill him.

The princess is saying she is not sure if she wants to be rescued. She

had grown to like the dragon and even found him sexy. She says “He was

so nicely physical, with his claws and lovely green skin, a...

... middle of paper ... be old and the poet is warning people that this is going to

happen, so you better get used to it. It’s also about what society

expects her.

The form of the two poems is they have no rhyme scene and no metre.

This is because the two poems are going against society so they are

emphasising this. The question you should ask is do I want what

society expects? Most of the time the answer will be yes but these

poems have gone against that. Not my best side and warning are in 1st

person talking about him or her. Also warning has varying line length,

irregular, unstructured and varying line length. It has all these

thing because again it is going against society. Not my best side and

Warning both are about stereotypes and facing reality of life that

everyone will grow old, or the reality of facing life alone. They all

try and help prevent this from happening.

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