Comparing Thoreau And Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The voice of America bellows with the sound of freedom and individuality, which reflect the core values of the American society. This voice belongs to Ralph Waldo Emerson, a Transcendentalist writer, who outlines the main value of Americans: individualism. While Thoreau and Dickinson voice this supreme value, Ralph Waldo Emerson transcends these voices not only by discussing individualism, but as well by narrating how to achieve it.
Henry Thoreau's voice speaks of individuality, that is dependent upon unconformity and simplicity. Thoreau believes one must escape societal expectations,“ If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer (Thoreau ).”, to find true individualism. He presumes that if tradition and conformity are extinguish the individual will be able to shape his or her own path and not be stuck on the beaten down trail. If one disregards expectations and heads, “ the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours ( Thoreau
Her voice expresses the individual power to select the people whose opinions matter as well as who the individual lets in.“The Soul selects her own Society - / Then - shuts the Door - (354).” It also represents how the individual has the power to make choices independent from the majority view. Dickinson also voices that individualism can come along with unacceptance because you are not conforming yourself to the standards of society,“This is my letter to the World / That never wrote to Me - “ ( This is is my Letter to the World 354). Her voice mainly speaks to women whose voices are repressed from the overbearing society of men. Challenging the idea around the nation that women must be dependent upon men instead of being an individual with there own thoughts and

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