Comparing The Giver To A Dystopian Society

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“Jonas’s world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the Community.” (Lois Lowry) What Jonas’s world is defined as is a dystopian society; the act of full government control, and no freedom. Sounds quite different than the modern life society, right? In the modern life society and dystopian life society the rules and acts differ in quite numerous ways. Were taught to believe dystopian societies are terrible mind controlling, and such a terrible place. We call the modern day society all things, good and bad, but were never taught to call what we live in today “perfect”. Millennials have different perspectives on what they want, just as dystopian societies …show more content…

In reality nothing, and no one is perfect. The dystopian lifestyle Jonas lived and experienced in The Giver, and the modern day lifestyle us millennials live in today differs, as well as compares in various ways.
Lois Lowry, the author of The Giver creates a very vivid entrust in the future. His description on the dystopian society Jonas and him,The Giver, lived in was harshly controlled. Not because of any physical contact they had on each other, but the mental effect they had on each other had to have been extremely difficult. Referring back to Amy Adkins the author of “What Millennials Want From Work and Life”, she stated “Millennials are pushing for a change in the world--”, then went on to say “... including in the marketplace and the workplace”, but forget that part, when she stated millennials wanted change, it clicked.. Is this not the …show more content…

Citizens live in a dehumanized state. The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world.”(Dystopias: Definition and Characteristics) Imagine that. Imagine yourself living in a “dehumanized state.” Sounds scary right? Dystopian society is no freedom, none, zilch, nada. Millennials want to be free, be able to have freedom in their work and home. Being free is the best thing to be. When you have freedom, you have freedom in everything, religion, politics, perspectives, style, labels, everything.In The Giver theres no such thing as labeling, but in modern lifestyle we all create names for ourselves like, goth, emo, thug, hood rats, and so on. Would you think that living in a dystopia is something that you'd find more entertaining than the modern lifestyle? Us millennials have a collection of ways freedom may occur. We choose our daily outfits, we choose weather or not we want a birthday party, we choose our jobs, we choose whether or not to go to school, we choose who we want to have a family with, and what we're going to name our child. In modern lifestyle we are in fact controlled by our government, but not as controlling as Jonas and his family were treated. Millennials have freedom, and have boundaries. In both societies there's quite a difference as you could see, small things like just the government could change the way the whole society arranges. The book The Giver was a book full of adventures, and lessons

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