Comparing Sheila and Lady Macbeth´s Relationships with Their Husbands

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Comparing Sheila and lady Macbeth
In this essay I will be comparing Sheila and lady Macbeth's relationship to their husband, at the start of the play, Sheila and Gerald have known each other for some time, and they are here celebrating their engagement in which Sheila is really happy with, in the middle she starts to gain some power and by the end she is fully in power and tells her family what to do. Gerald comes from a rich, powerful, well-respected family. At the start of Macbeth, lady Macbeth is in control of the relationship, she starts as the man of the relationship to typical Jacobean women as she suicides and kill herself at the end.
At the start of the play 'An inspector call', J.B Priestly presents Sheila and Gerald with a unbalanced relationship this is because Gerald sees himself as the dominant one, and he is in control of the relationship, meanwhile Sheila is naive and quite immature for her age. Gerald chose and bought the engagement ring for Sheila, this shows that Gerald is dominant, showing his authority and Sheila has nothing to say about it, 'is this the one you want me to have'. This shows us her willingness to be controlled by Gerald, this links to how their relationship is unbalanced as Gerald has more power and that he is in charge. We can also see this when Sheila says '...all last summer when you never came near me, and I wondered what had happened to you.' Although she says it half serious, half playfully, it is clear she thinks Gerald has been up to something, but she does react in any way towards this. This again shows her naivety about the relationship and shows that she allows herself to be controlled by Gerald. Even though Gerald dominates her, and Mr Birling pushes her relationship with Gerald, ...

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...eir relationship. This is because at the end both Sheila and lady Macbeth both terminate their relationship with their partner. However the primary difference is that lady Macbeth kills herself whereas Sheila still lives on, with or without Gerald.
In conclusion I think they will not get back together, even if the Birlings do try to persuade Sheila, because she has changed so much during the play, and can stand up to her family. Sheila emphasises that they shouldn't go on behaving like nothing happened, and they should learn from the experience, and I think she might forget Gerald because of what she has learnt about him and the things he has done. And for Lady Macbeth the relationship has ended and at the very end Macbeth also gets beheaded.


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