Comparing Pip And Miss Havisham In Charles Dickens Great Expectations

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Miss Havisham, one of the strangest characters in Great Expectations, has many similarities with Pip, a character that is her opposite from many viewpoints. Throughout the story, the reader can see that they have many similarities and differences. They also have many experiences that impact many of the characters and helps drive the plot forwards. Their differences and similarities make the story interesting and drive some of the mystery. In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, the characters Pip and Miss Havisham reflect each other in several ways, such as trying to influence Estella in different ways, influencing him, and apologizing for her wrongs,which reveals forgiving people who did you wrong.

One key similarity between Pip and Miss havisham is that they both have influenced Estella as a priority. Miss Havisham influenced her from a young age to hate men because of the mortification …show more content…

In chapter 49, Miss Havisham apologizes and begs for forgiveness. "What have I done!..When she first came, I meant to save her from misery like mine." (Dickens XLIX). She had admitted to raising Estella wrong. Pip had forgiven her because he knew she didn’t know what she did was wrong. Miss Havisham being forgiven by Pip shows supports the theme, forgiving people who did you wrong.

In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Pip and Miss Havisham reflect each other in several ways, such as trying to influence Estella in different ways, influencing Pip, apologizing for her wrongs, which reveals forgiving people who did you wrong. The theme is current throughout the novel, and is still relevant today. Forgiving people who did you wrong is one lesson the reader can take from the book. Towards conclusion of the novel, Pip forgiving Miss Havisham was a main example of the

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