Comparing McDonald's and White Castle

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Both White Castle and McDonald’s have a long history of providing fast, cheap, and convenient fast-food. Both companies had started with one store, and then expanded into a franchise. To stay competitive they created new and innovative ways to create new customers and keep most of their value loyal customers. In comparison there were several differences and some similarities to each business. Both provide similar customer benefit package, both target on the go, and budget conscious customers, both have viable locations. The servicescape of each store is very different for each. The service encounter was also very different. The process and design of both facilities was similar, which does not leave room for custom orders. The facility layout is markedly different also. White Castle and McDonald’s both provide similar service with differences that are clearly apart. At McDonald’s the customer benefit package includes the primary good is fast-food service at a cheap price, hamburgers, and French fries, breakfast and some healthier food items. The peripheral goods are free Wi-Fi, Gift cards, Red Box machine for DVD’s and Play Place & Parties at this location. The variants are located across the street from the Belle-Clair Fairgrounds, located near downtown, and located near highway 15. The different benefit package for this store caters to a diverse population, which includes families and children, young professionals, the elderly, local businesses to include the fairgrounds, and people who are eating healthy on a budget. At White Castle the customer benefit is similar. The primary good is fast-food at a cheap price, particularly small mini burgers, breakfast. The peripheral goods are, call in orders for pick-up, gift cards and col... ... middle of paper ... ... For evidence of “green practices” at White Castle there was none visible, but an employee stated that the store has a “Gone Green” program that means that they stopped using white paper for their corrugated cases, and now use brown recycled paper. White Castle also has their own company that recycles paper steel, aluminum, and plastics. Changed the lighting to LED and lowered their electric bill by $2,500 per year (“White Castle”). In conclusion both fast-food restaurants give their customers value, but at different levels, for different target population. Out of the two McDonald’s seems to give their customers a better value for their money. Works Cited “McDonalds.” Our Story. n.d. Web.11 November 2011. “White Castle.” Company. n.d. Web 11 November 2011. “White Castle.” Gone Green. n.d. Web 11 November 2011.

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