Comparing Kapp-Lüttwitz And Hitler-Putsch In Germany

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As the different governments could not solve the various problems of this time many opponents of the republics saw their opportunity to become the powerful man. We have coups both in Germany and Spain in this time. For instance we have the Kapp-Lüttwitz putsch and Hitler-putsch in Germany in the years 1920 and 1923 both from the extreme right side of the political spectrum. Additionally a dictatorship was established through constitutional measures in Bavaria in 1923. There is a comparable situation in inter-war Spain as there were several coups as well but in contrast to Germany there was one coup that was successful, namely the coup of General Miguel Primo de Rivera in 1923 as he staged a riot and was then supported by the king. This dictatorship …show more content…

There is a political instability in all three countries traceable in the high fluctuation of governments and the threats of the republics from both left and right. Furthermore we can say that over time there is more and more a confrontation between left and right, it seems as if the center parties are not present in this time and this can be proved with the help of the election results for instance in Germany where the extreme parties gain more and more votes whereas the moderate center parties lose more and more, in Spain left and right fight against each other in the civil war and in France there were two major alliances in the general elections of 1936. Though there was no direct confrontation between a united left against a united right in Germany because the hostility between communists and social democrats was too strong.
Moreover all countries are affected by the Great Depression as it generates major problems like high unemployment rates and we can see that no party ever in power in the three countries know how handle this situation best. The deflation policy, used in all of the three countries, worsened the situation of many parts of the population more and more and so all three countries had to face major social upheavals, riot, strikes and revolts which often turned out to be violent and led to several

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