Comparing George And Lennie In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Most people already know that Romeo and Juliet are the best couple that ever lived. But could George and Lennie have a better relationship? Or will Romeo and Juliet remain one of the best couples that ever live. Although George and Lennie are the bestest of friends. Romeo and Juliet have a stronger relationship because they compliment each other, show affection for each other and they would die to be with each other, literally. Complimenting your partner is a huge role in having a strong relationship, without compliments you would just talk about how your day was and all that other boring stuff, you might even get into name calling. “O, speak again bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night” (Shakespeare. 2. 2. 28). Romeo compliments almost every chance he gets, like in the quote above Romeo calls Juliet an angel and she is as glorious as the night. “I take thee at thy word, call me but love, and I’ll be new baptiz’d; Henceforth I never will be Romeo” (Shakespeare. 2. 2. 49). What Romeo is saying in this quotation is that if Juliet only calls him her love, he will take love for his new name. Once again an amazing compliment. On the other hand George does the …show more content…

Romeo and Juliet show affection in many ways and very often. “Then move not while my prayers effect I take. Thus from my lips” (Shakespeare. 5. 3. 120). Romeo is saying in this quote that he wants Juliet to kiss him, which is showing affection. They also don’t like to leave each other without kissing each other. “Farewell, farewell! One kiss and I’ll descend” (Shakespeare. 3. 5. 42). On the other hand when George tells Lennie something that he needs to do he never remembers. “Where we goin’ George?... So you forgot awready, did you? I gotta tell you again, do I? Jesus christ, you’re a crazy b******!” (Steinbeck.

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